Birthing the Heart of AN
Here’s the latest news of the Heart of AN….
For many months now, we’ve been searching for the right home for the Heart of AN. During this time, we have found some very special properties. Our biggest challenge is raising the money to buy the land and construct the buildings, for we cannot do this on our own.
We’ve also been busy organizing the final 11:11 Activation of Eleventh Gate to be held on November 22, with the Master Cylinder in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Our Activation Ceremony here will begin in the afternoon of November 21 and go for 26 hours until the early evening of November 22. This is so we can align with all the time zones throughout the world.
This final 11:11 Activation will be a huge completion. It will also fling open the doors to the full manifestation of the Heart of AN. For this, we are very excited.
The time has come!