Coming Closer to the Great Convergence

There have been many changes during the past week. Except for Justo, our temporary guardian of the past few years, all our workers have finished their tasks and didn’t return this week. Emanaku and I have been super, super busy readying AN•Wasi for the arrival last Monday of Arbaline & Alanah from the US and Maria and Yoko from New Zealand. They absolutely love AN•Wasi!

Now with their wonderful help, we’ve turned our attention to cleaning our house, getting the guest room here ready and charging our legion of solar lights. Tomorrow, Sebastian of Germany, Petra of the Czech Republic and Ursulai from Switzerland arrive.

AN•Tika has been the focus of much of our attention. We finally bought beds for it and lacquered the boards. Emanaku has been installing curtain rods and finishing the kitchen cabinets. Its first guests will arrive on Friday and Saturday from Mexico.

Tomorrow we go to the printer in Cuzco to pick up my cards and books. On the way home, we will pick up the special bags that have been made for them in the town of Pisac. Everything is happening at the last minute, but that’s how things are right now.

AN is about LOVE IN ACTION and utilizing our creativity in everything we do. And this is exactly what we’ve been doing for the past few years. And this is what people can expect when they visit the Heart of AN.

Three of the four ceremonial Staffs of AN have been made and painted. We weren’t happy with our Moon design, so have created a new one, which will be ready in a few days. Aristo has already made the wooden staffs for them. They feel very special.

Arbaline and Alanah brought us a beautiful, hand painted Inuit drum from Alaska that was specially created for our ceremony. The Drum from the North. Marcela is bringing us from Chile a Mapuche Kultrun drum that was specially made for our ceremony. The Drum from the South. So everything is coming together bit by bit.

Each night we are watching the planets of Jupiter and Venus coming ever closer together. They will be conjunct on June 30th, the day of the Activation of the Heart of AN. That is so absolutely perfect and isn’t something that we knew about when we set the date.

We can feel the Family of AN aligning with us all over the world. And this feels amazing! Sending you all HUGE LOVE from the Heart of AN!!!


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