An Auspicious Beginning of October at the Heart of AN!
The past two weeks were super busy here as we caught up on mountains of work and prepared for October’s Conclave of the Family of AN.
In the midst of all this, we finally made time to get legally married! It had taken us many months to get all the paperwork together, since our wedding ceremony in May, but in the end, everything happened smoothly. We were married in a small village in the Sacred Valley and it was surprisingly touching and sweet. Again, there was no time for a honeymoon, but we did have a wedding lunch!
On Monday, our first two October guests arrived. Katja is our first visitor from the small Caribbean island of Curacao and Lili, who participated in the 11:11 Tenth Gate Activation in Chiapas, Mexico and our ‘A Mu’a Ceremony on Rapa Nui, is from Argentina. Two visitors from Ukraine arrive today and tomorrow begins our Cards of AN Master Class!
Today, one of our cactuses bloomed with the most exquisite white flower. The blossom only lasts for one day and appears once a year. What a great blessing for this very momentous, very transformational time of gathering together at the Heart of AN.