Our final day together was spent anchoring the AN•TAWA energies at the Heart of AN. In the morning we visited the Fairy Circles. The afternoon was spent inside the eleven concentric circles at the Tower of Light of AN. This was the first time that we all wore our Magenta Ponchos there and it was an amazing experience. With our Drums and Magenta Ponchos, it felt as if we had fully entered the New Reality.
We went inside the inner control panels of the Tower of AN and there we made the HU ~ sending it forth to all the Worlds within Worlds. Dissolving the tentacles of Duality and strengthening the resonance of LOVE and TRUENESS.
This was not the ending of the AN•TAWA Ceremonies ~ it is the BEGINNING. The next level of AN•TAWA Ceremonies will be held here in October or November 2022. In the meanwhile, we can continue doing the ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Mudra, sitting as Silent Watchers and chanting HU. We can do this by ourself or with groups — large and small.
The AN•TAWA Ceremonies will continue until the Game of Duality is completely over!
• • • •
With deep LOVE and GRATITUDE to our magnificent AN•TAWA Core Group:
Ankasha • Argon • Daniela • David • Emanaku • Felipe • Irina • Javier • Julia • Marta • Omashar • Sebastian • Solara • Vivianne
Ankasha, Argon, Armando, Daniela, Emanaku, Felipe, Omashar, Sebastian, Solara, Vivianne
We sat as Silent Watchers of the Heart of AN.
And I just realized why our ponchos were red in the photos of this day during ceremonies and magenta when we weren’t doing ceremonies. This is because what we did was so powerful and so true that the energy in the photos had to be stepped down a bit. That’s why our Magenta Ponchos of AN appear red in these photos.
Then we walked as One into the Octagon.
In the Octagon reside the inner control panels of the Tower of Light of AN.
We entered as Timeless True Ones.
Now we were ready to dissolve the hooks of duality and strengthen the resonance of Trueness by sending forth the HU.
We felt deep happiness and fulfillment to be here with our True Family as Timeless True Ones.
Photo by Ankasha
We had all profoundly transformed during our week together.
Photo by Ankasha
Photo by Ankasha
Photo by Ankasha
We all received one last round of special sacred oils from Argon.
Photo by Ankasha
Ankasha always takes the most brilliant photos of people. She has a real gift of bringing out everyone’s true essence in her photos.
Photo by Felipe
Photo by Ankasha
Photo by Felipe
Photo by Felipe
We have never had more than three Magenta Ponchos here before. Having so many at the same time brought us into a greatly expanded reality.
Photo by Felipe
Photo from Viviane
Then for the last time, we walked out of the eleven circles, one person at a time, each one stepping to the next circle. Expanding the energy outwards, sending it forth all over the planet.
When we reached the outer circle, we held up our Drums of AN to the Sky.
Then we slowly walked out, knowing that the great task we had come together to do had been achieved.
We walked through the portal to the sounds of pututus, while playing our drums.
Yet, there was the knowingness that we would now walk with truer steps in the world.
We would now be Timeless True Ones merged with our physical forms.
We all felt a strong sense of emergence.
We honored our wondrous pututu players with our truest love.
The AN•TAWA Ceremonies have truly begun!
~ PA’A ~