Taking the Necessary Steps at the Heart of AN
This has been a busy week! Last Wednesday, we had the new land surveyed and on Saturday received the papers from the surveyor. So on Monday we went to the Notario’s office in Urubamba to sign a contract to buy the sanctuary land. After a wait of over 45 minutes, we were told that we had to go to the Notario in Calca. We drove there and met with the Notario there who said that we needed still more papers. These papers are being gathered and we will try again on Friday.
It’s all just a dance. Once you are in the dance, you just do whatever is in front of you, step by step, until it is finally complete. Knowing all the while that ALL IS WELL.
We are so excited to finally be able to incorporate this amazing land into the Heart of AN. It is the best energy spot here. We noticed this the first day that we found our land, but it wasn’t for sale at the time. The new land is in the most True Positioning. It’s the perfect place to put our Sanctuary, AN•Sonqo. Sonqo means heart in the Quechua language and it really will be the heart of the Heart of AN.
We still need to raise $32,000 more before the end of the year to pay off the land, but we know that somehow this will happen, because there’s such a stunning rightness to it. After we get the title to the land, we will fence the new land and take down our old fence which currently separates the two pieces of land. Then all of our land will merge and the Heart of AN will expand. This will be momentous!
If you want to support us with the purchase of the land, you can donate here: anvisible.com/donate
We’ve also been busy working on our two special events in October ~ the Cards of AN Master Class, followed by the Conclave of the Family of AN. Registration forms should finally be online this weekend! It’s important that we come together on the physical this year and we really hope that many of you will come.
Eloy is busy this week preparing the wood for the raised beds of our upcoming organic vegetable garden. Here we hope to grow various types of lettuce, arugula, herbs, peppers and some vegetables which aren’t available here. Emanaku and I want to create the garden in the form of a mandala, but still need some free time to finalize the design.
We’ve also experienced a few breakthroughs this week. Our ANvisible, Surf Reports and 11:11 Photo Journeys websites have all been moved to a much faster server and now work quickly and efficiently!
Our second breakthrough is a good example of the old, “When one door closes, a new door opens”. Our dear friend Ludo had to move from his hostal in the nearby village of Arin, so now it is closed. This was where many of our visitors enjoyed staying when the Heart of AN was full. But now a new, small hostal is opening less than a block away from the Heart of AN! It is simple and rustic, but very cheap, and is run by a super nice Peruvian — German couple.
We are deeply heartened by your Love and Support for what we are doing here. It feels so right to do this together ~ in one form or another. With huge LOVE to all of you from the Heart of AN!