The Month of PACHAMAMA at the Heart of AN
On August 1, the beginning of the Andean New Year, we made offerings to Pachamama of wine and yellow pika pika confetti, as we do each year at the Heart of AN. Offerings were place around the land, around all the buildings and upon the sacred rocks. This year, we were joined by Pedro and his sons Alexander and Yojhan.
Then on August 4, we went to the magnificent Moray where there was a large offering ceremony to Pachamama. There were several hundred participants and an audience of over 1,000 people, most of whom were local Peruvians. Occasionally, a few groups of tourists would pass by, shuffling their feet while automatically following their guide and barely glancing at Moray itself, much less the impressive ceremony that was going on.
There were many parts of this ceremony that resonated with truth and brought tears to my eyes, yet there was also the feeling that it was a reenactment, rather than the real thing. It came so close to being real. But I realize that this part of Peru is no longer ruled by the Incas and perhaps this is as far as the people could go in making it real.
I stood on a hill overlooking the crowds and the ceremony far below in the center of the largest circle. I held the Beam and did the SUN • MOON • AN Meditation several times. It was unnoticed, but not unfelt. I wondered what would happen if the Inca had led all the people in doing the SUN • MOON • AN Meditation at the same time? It would have moved everything to such a True Level. It would have been amazing! Perhaps one day it will happen….
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