AN•TAWA – FOUR ~ DAY EIGHT • October 25, 2023 ~ Our Final Day at the Heart of AN
On the day after our momentous ceremonies in Raqch’i, Martina Mamani paid us a surprise visit. I asked her how Raqch’i was feeling? She replied that it had changed a lot since our ceremonies there yesterday. She said that after we left, many people arrived at her house and asked her what we had done. Everyone felt that something special had happened there and said that Raqch’i was full of new positive energies. They also felt that our rose petals were sacred and many people had gathered rose petals to take home with them. We were very happy to hear this.
These photo journeys are a lot of work. We willingly do them for several reasons. One is to enable our magnificent group of AN•TAWA Participants to integrate everything we have experienced.
They are also for the purpose of giving those who were not able to participate in person, a direct experience of the energies of the Ceremonies. And then, we also have a record of what we achieved.
I cannot shower enough gratitude upon those who were here. Magnificent Timeless True Ones giving their all, being brilliant and full of love and dedicated. What was essential to these AN•TAWA Ceremonies ceremonies was WHO WE ARE. We had to be Timeless True Ones in the physical and that we are. We are a TRUE FAMILY! I love you deeply and miss you already!
I also thank the photographers amongst us, including Armando Aguero who not only provided our transport, but took also stunning photos.
While we were making our Ceremony at Laguna Qoricocha, I received an inner message that with these final AN•TAWA Ceremonies, we had done all we could. Everything was set into motion. Now we wait until there is the much needed shift of reality systems.
And while we are waiting, we stop playing duality’s game. There is no more to do, except for us to live True Lives as True Ones. Now it’s up to each of us to anchor AN•TAWA all over the world. To give ourselves permission to full embody our Timeless True Selves. To base our lives and all that we do from our new position on the New Timeline.
- Martina Mamani from Raqch’i arrived for a surprise visit on our final day of the AN•TAWA Ceremonies. She told us that Raqch’i had experienced a noticeable change that was felt by many of the people there, since yesterday’s ceremonies. And that everyone had gathered up our rose petals to take home, feeling that they were sacred. Photo by Nogi.
- Entering the Porton to the Tower of Light of AN for the final time with this particular group of our Family of AN always feel deeply poignant and precious.
- HERE WE ARE! Alehx of Argentina with Vicki of Australia.
- HERE WE ARE. Ankasha of Mexico with Argon of Mexico and the US..
- HERE WE ARE. Alex of Germany and France and Kalasara of Kauai, Hawaii.
- HERE WE ARE. Nogi of Japan and Benedikt of Germany.
- HERE WE ARE. Tracey of the US with Jette of Denmark.
- Entering the Eleven Circles ~ one by one as ONE ~ is always one of my very favorite things to do.
- I love the way we play our unique Drums of AN together.
- I love seeing our Drums of AN placed around the outside of the center of the Tower of AN. I love feeling our Drums, and all of us, being infused with the New Reality.
- HERE WE ARE! For the final time, all together on the physical.
- Our supreme ONE TRUE BEING. Our TRUE FAMILY OF AN! Here are all eighteen of us. Photo by Kalasara.
- Next, we passed out the water bottles from Raqch’i.
- The precious, sacred water was help up high to receive the light from the Sun and Stars.
- And then it was poured into the center of the Tower of AN ~ into the place where the New Reality is anchored into the planet and then dispursed all over the world. Photo by Tracey.
- This was done with SO MUCH LOVE! Photo by Tracey.
- It was unforgettable ~ as our entire eight days together had been. Photo by Tracey.
- To be able to serve humanity and the planet on such a vast, profoundly real, level is a great honor. To be able to openly be our Timeless True Selves while in physical bodies felt so natural and true. Photo by Tracey.
- We were deeply grateful for this rare opportunity.
- We closed the two years of AN•TAWA Ceremonies with a strong PA’A. IT IS DONE.
- Then the energies were sent forth throughout the Worlds within Worlds.
- Basking in the last minutes of being together in our Magenta Ponchos of AN before the sound of our eight Pututus who end our ceremonies. Photo by Nogi.
- Everyone was so beautiful and True. Photo by Kalasara.
- Our TAWA-TAWA Pututus rang out to all the Directions. Photo by Tracey.
- ~ NOGI ~ Photo by Tracey.
- ~ BENEDIKT ~ Photo by Tracey.
- ~ KALASARA ~ Photo by Tracey.
- ~ JETTE ~ ARGON ~ Photo by Tracey.
- A surge of JOY in a poignant moment.
- With deep honor and respect we all willingly chose to take on this mighty task of shifting reality systems on planet Earth.
- We did all that we could do as Timeless True Ones merged into the physical realm.
- One by one; as ONE; we left the Tower of AN. Ready to go forward in all the directions. Ready to strengthen the resonance of Trueness wherever we go. Ready to anchor AN•TAWA all over the world.
- ~ HERE I AM ~
- The AN•TAWA – 4 Ceremonies ~ Painting by Javier.