Building the New and True!
It was another super productive week at The Heart of AN. ♥ There were both subtle refinements and some basic, very practical projects going on, such as the beginning of the installation of our water system to the house. Our bathroom experienced a major transformation and all our exterior gates have been built and installed! The upstairs is almost completely painted and the base coat is being applied downstairs. Our second door is ready and stair rails were installed. ♥
The house is getting more and more beautiful. It’s not just the physical beauty of what is being built, but it’s also the exquisite energy of AN. Everyone working here can feel it and they love being a part of this amazing birth.
As the first physical manifestation of the energies of The Heart of AN in the form of our house are becoming visible, we are filled with a deep sense of awe. We can also feel what a great responsibility this is, to dare to manifest the Heart of AN in this wild world. We also contemplate what it will be like to actually live in these energies on a daily basis. Everything here is so clear and true, and we must embody this in everything we do.
Our bathtub is being tiled! Here is the top of the step leading to it.
We made it big enough to sit on.
Building the glass block wall between our shower and bathtub.
Here is our lovely curved, glass block wall.
The window in our shower has a gorgeous view.
This is the floor of our shower, also known as a „Happy Accident“.
The workers accidently put two different color tiles in the floor of the shower,
probably due to too much chicha late in the afternoon.
They were willing to redo it, but we like it just the way it is!
Paint rollers hanging up to dry by the acequia.
I love these romantic, twining trees on the land.
Here’s a new stack of palos which will be used for the guardian casita.
First, they have to dry in the sun.
Stair railings are being built, but still need the final refinements, plus white paint.
Here’s Christian, our new Maestro of Paint and the son of Victor.
He is painting the ceiling of the AN room so that Emanaku can apply iridescent glitter to it.
Emanáku applies the iridescent glitter to the ceiling using a hair dryer.
The end result is subtle, yet beautiful.
Sparkling lights appear and disappear on the ceiling of the AN tower room
depending on the light.
Gaps between the palos are filled with wood filler, then sanded and lacquered.
This is being done by one of our neighbors.
Emanáku and I go to Aristo’s carpentry workshop with several bags of glass pellets
so we can design another door.
Next, Aristo drills holes in the wood for the glass pellets
and uses a router to create a channel for the small mirrors.
This is his work table where his drill is currently undergoing surgery,
probably from drilling too many holes.
Completed Door #2 which will go outside from our dining room / kitchen.
Of course, it still needs the glass and a lock.
Here’s a still life featuring a closeup of our second door, along with bananas.
Chalo says that our doors are a bit Bollywood,
and even though that wasn’t our intention, I agree!
Another exciting development this week was the new metal door to our water pump house.
This was very necessary so we can get our water system up and going
so that water can flow into the house.
Admiring our new door to the acequia!
A few days later, it’s even more beautiful with the addition of river rocks.
Our front gate was also completed this week.
Paint was touched up and the river rocks were cemented onto the concrete pillars.
Now all our front gate needs is the Sun – Moon of AN hanging over the gate!
We will attach little bells to the ends of the rays so it will gently sing in the wind.
Welcome to The Heart of AN!