JUNE’S EL•AN•RA CEREMONIES ~ Four ~ At the Sacred Lake of RA
Twelve people gathered together at the Heart of AN in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru for the second cycle of our EL•AN•RA Ceremonies. We had six men and six women with two participants from Argentina, two from Brazil, two from Germany, two from Mexico, two from the Heart of AN, one from the US and one from the Czech Republic. Our One Being was impeccable ~ strong and unified.
These special EL•AN•RA Ceremonies are for the purpose of loosening the pins in the Belt of Orion that hold this dimensional universe into duality. Once the pins dissolve, we will be able to shift reality systems from duality to the New Reality of AN. A reality shift is deeply needed at this time.
Because this is a Great Task, these ceremonies are being held in three parts. The first two ceremonies were in March, followed by the third ceremony of the first cycle in May. The third, and final, ceremonial cycle will be later this year.
On June 22, we traveled to the third of the three sacred lakes which correspond to the three stars in Orion’s Belt. Known in traditional astronomy as Al Nitak, it is known in the vaster realms as RA.
The sacred lake of RA is known as Qoricocha and is on top of a mountain at 4,400 meters.
The Mayan Calendar for this day was:
I organize in order to enlighten
Balancing life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the rhythmic tone of equality.
I am guided by my own power doubled.
And this perfectly describes our amazing, Off the Map experiences that day at the Lake of RA.
Our ceremonies were simple, strong and True. They came from the depths of our True Hearts and traveled throughout the Worlds within Worlds. They were beyond Time and Space and the ripples and waves sent forth that day are still going ever outwards….
On June 22, we arrived at Laguna Qoriccocha ~ the Lake of RA ~ which is on the top of a mountain at an altitude of 4,400 meters!
Photo by Javier
- The sacred lake welcomed us with a multitude of sparkling stars upon its surface.
- Upon arrival, we explored the Qorichocha Lodge ~ a tiny hostal overlooking the lake which is owned by the local community.
Here we met with their chef Leo and Pedro from the nearby community of Q’enko.
Photo by Petra
- A group photo overlooking Qoricocha with Pedro, Javier and the very knowledgable boy Julio, all from the community of Q’enko.
- Qoricocha was the sacred lake of the Inca Pachacutéc who used to come here to make ceremonies. Pachacutéc was known as “He who overturns time and space.”This makes Qoricocha especially appropriate for our EL•AN•RA Ceremonies.
- Walking from the Lodge down to the lake.
Kalasara makes a love offering of water from the Heart of AN to the sacred lake of RA.
Photo by Petra
I made my offering with my full being and asked for permission to hold our ceremony there in Star Language.
Photo by Petra
Because it is on top of a mountain and few people go there, Qoricocha has the cleanest water of the three sacred lakes.
Photo by Javier
The plant life in the lake was thriving!
Photo by Javier
Stars constantly sparkled on its surface.
Photo by Javier
Eliane returns from the lake.
Photo by Petra
- The RA Mudras were especially strong here.
- Inti ~ the Sun ~ was especially bright.
- The Mudras of AN!
- The Sun – Moon as One Being.
- The EL honoring the lake before beginning their Mudras.
- Here, they are beginning the phases of the Moon.
This time, we sat in two rows ~ the RA in front, with the AN and EL in the second row.
Photo by Petra
- Each time we made a ceremony, it evolved and new components were revealed. This is all part of changing the codes of the EL•AN•RA.
- We again played our drums. Each star had an unique drum beat which finally blended together into One.
- There was a strong Pa’a which marked that we had accomplished what we had come here to do.
- We gathered up our things and prepared to fill our bottles with water from the lake.
- Throughout all our June Ceremonies, our One True Being was strong. We worked together effortlessly.
- Again, a Gateway was formed which was like a birth canal.
- We filled our bottles from the lake, put them into the basket and went to the back of the Gateway.
- We were constantly forming and reforming our One True Being ~ going deeper and deeper into the Timeless True Worlds.
- Petra was very happy to receive a gift from the lake of two feathers.
- The energies became ever stronger.
- Emanaku returns from the lake.
- This time the AN went last ~ more changing of the codes!
- At the very end of our ceremony, it was time for AN Xahel’s songs.
- We invited Javier and Pedro to join with us.
- The Lake of RA was very happy for the gift of such precious songs.
We sat down and basked in the energy with a deep sense of accomplishment.
Photo by Petra
Cristina, Leo and AN Xahel talked with Pedro and Javier who were very respectful of our ceremony.
Photo by Solara
Eliane and Alexander were glowing!
Photo by Petra
Next, we returned to the Lodge for a delicious lunch.
Photo by Kalasara
Pedro, Eliane and AN Xahel on the boat dock. (The Lodge had one small boat for the lake.)
Photo by Javier
Leaving the lake, we passed large herds of llamas and sheep.
Photo by Sebastian
The sparkling Qoricocha!
Photo by Petra
Thank you for allowing us to be here. Tupananchiskama!
Photo by Sebastian