JUNE’S EL•AN•RA CEREMONIES ~ Three ~ At the Sacred Lake of AN

Twelve people gathered together at the Heart of AN in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru for the second cycle of our EL•AN•RA Ceremonies. We had six men and six women with two participants from Argentina, two from Brazil, two from Germany, two from Mexico, two from the Heart of AN, one from the US and one from the Czech Republic. Our One Being was impeccable ~ strong and unified.

These special EL•AN•RA Ceremonies are for the purpose of loosening the pins in the Belt of Orion that hold this dimensional universe into duality. Once the pins dissolve, we will be able to shift reality systems from duality to the New Reality of AN. A reality shift is deeply needed at this time.

Because this is a Great Task, these ceremonies are being held in three parts. The first two ceremonies were in March, followed by the third ceremony of the first cycle in May. The third, and final, ceremonial cycle will be later this year.
On the Solstice of June 21, we traveled to the first two of the three sacred lakes which correspond to the three stars in Orion’s Belt. Known in traditional astronomy as Mintaka and Al Nilam, they are known in the vaster realms as EL and AN.
After our ceremony at the EL Lake ~ Laguna Huaypo, we drove to the nearby Lake of AN ~ Laguna Piuray to make our second ceremony.

The Mayan Calendar for this day was:

I empower in order to catalyze.
Commanding energy.
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the overtone tone of radiance.
I am guided by the power of accomplishment.
I am a Galactic Activation Portal.
Enter me.

And this perfectly describes our amazing, Off the Map experiences that day at the Lakes of EL and AN.

Our ceremonies were simple, strong and True. They came from the depths of our True Hearts and traveled throughout the Worlds within Worlds. They were beyond Time and Space and the ripples and waves sent forth that day are still going ever outwards….


AN Xahel brought the gift of two sacred songs about lakes to our ceremonies ~ one in Spanish and one in Quechua.

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