JUNE’S EL•AN•RA CEREMONIES ~ Two ~ At the Sacred Lake of EL
Twelve people gathered together at the Heart of AN in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru for the second cycle of our EL•AN•RA Ceremonies. We had six men and six women with two participants from Argentina, two from Brazil, two from Germany, two from Mexico, two from the Heart of AN, one from the US and one from the Czech Republic. Our One Being was impeccable ~ strong and unified.
These special EL•AN•RA Ceremonies are for the purpose of loosening the pins in the Belt of Orion that hold this dimensional universe into duality. Once the pins dissolve, we will be able to shift reality systems from duality to the New Reality of AN. This is deeply needed at this time.
Because this is a Great Task, these ceremonies are being held in three parts. The first two ceremonies were in March, followed by the third ceremony of the first cycle in May. The third, and final, ceremonial cycle will be later this year.
On the Solstice of June 21, we traveled to the first two of the three sacred lakes which correspond to the three stars in Orion’s Belt. Known in traditional astronomy as Mintaka and Al Nilam, they are known in the vaster realms as EL and AN.
The Mayan Calendar for this day was:
I empower in order to catalyze.
Commanding energy.
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the overtone tone of radiance.
I am guided by the power of accomplishment.
I am a Galactic Activation Portal.
Enter me.
And this perfectly describes our amazing, Off the Map experiences that day at the Lakes of EL and AN.
Our ceremonies were simple, strong and True. They came from the depths of our True Hearts and traveled throughout the Worlds within Worlds. They were beyond Time and Space and the ripples and waves sent forth that day are still going ever outwards….
At the Heart of AN ~ ready to depart for our first two ceremonies!
Back Row: Sebastian, Alexander, Javier, Kalasara, Leo, AN Xahel, Emanaku, Solara and Petra. Front Row: Sara, Alexander, Cristina and Eliane.
As soon as we arrived at Laguna Huaypo ~ the sacred lake of EL, we were greeted by a large bird.
Photo by Kalasara
The beautiful Laguna Huaypo awaited us.
Photo by Javier
We slowly drove around the lake to the place where we made our March ceremony.
Photo by Javier
It was a clear day and all the Apus were out to join with us as guardians.
Photo by Kalasara
- Lush fields full of tall quinoa plants dotted the shores of the lake.
- The Magnificent EL aligned with the Moon and the Higher Mind! ~ Javier, Alexander, Eliane and Petra ~
The Magnificent AN aligned with the Sun and Moon and Pure True Love! ~ Cristina, Solara, Emanaku and Leo. ~
Photo by Petra
The Magnificent RA aligned with the Sun and the Physical! ~ Sebastian, Sara, Kalasara and AN Xahel.
Photo by Petra
- ~ EL • AN • RA ~ at the Lake of EL.
We formed a Gateway to the Lake led by the EL, since it was their lake.
Photo by Sebastian
After the EL asked the lake for permission to hold our ceremony there, they gave their offerings to the lake. Next, the AN took their offerings to the lake.
Photo by Sebastian
- We walked into the water to ask permission of the lake in Star Language to hold our ceremony there. Then, we poured our offerings of water from the Heart of AN into the lake. (Even though there were some close calls, none of us fell into the lakes.)
Laguna Huaypo was very happy that we had come!
Photo by Sebastian
The RA await their turn to make their offerings to the lake.
Photo by Solara
- We were at the same location where we made our March Ceremony here. It is very narrow here, but also very hidden.
- True One ~ AN Xahel!
- After our water offerings, the EL performed their new Mudra in front of the lake.
- The EL Mudra represented all the phases of the Moon which transformed into the One Eye.
- The new EL•AN•RA Mudras are absolutely brilliant!
- The Mudra of AN was next. Each Mudra was performed for all the directions.
- Sending forth the AN energy throughout the Worlds within Worlds.
- The ever expanding New Reality of AN!
- The RA prepare to go to the lake to perform their Mudra.
- The RA Mudra was powerful. They began by stepping strongly into the physical with their full beings.
- Stepping into the physical was a conscious decision done joyfully, rather than with pain or regret.
- And then the RA embodied INTI, the mighty SUN!
- The Drums of RA!
- Our Ceremony continued as we sat in two rows before the lake.
- We sat as Silent Watchers and held the Worlds within Worlds into alignment through the trueness of our Love.
- Then we grounded the energies into Pachamama.
- That’s when the pins in the Belt of Orion that anchor duality into this dimensional universe, became noticeably looser.
- At the end of our ceremony, one by one, we filled our empty bottles with water from the lake.
- Laguna Huaypo felt so joyous and so did we!
- It was a perfect ceremony on a perfect day!
In the Mayan Calendar, today was a Blue Overtone Storm.
I empower in order to catalyze.
Commanding energy.
I seal the matrix of self generation
with the overtone tone of radiance.
I am guided by the power of accomplishment.
I am a Galactic Activation Portal.
Enter me.
And so it was….
Hi Solara,
Thank you for sharing these gorgeous, magical photos. Each one pops with evocative light and color.