Getting Ready at the Heart of AN!
Our focus has now turned to preparing for our May events at the Heart of AN. There is much to do until our first visitors arrive on May 1st. We will have visitors here until the 17th, so it will be an action packed few weeks!
After German finishes the roof of the AN•Chakana, he will repair the settling cracks in the yeso inside our house and make river rock foundations for the wall outside. Eloy will repair the new leaks in our roof and repaint the exterior paint that was damaged in the big storm a few weeks ago. We will also be washing and waxing all the tile floors inside our house.
The center of the AN•Labyrinth is now complete. The glass blocks are in position and everything feels good. Now it’s having a week of rest. Water is being poured over the slowly drying cement in the inner circle. Eloy has also been transferring plugs of grass into parts of the pathways which are bare earth.
What’s interesting is that we’ve never walked the labyrinth in its present form. Emanaku and I walked an earlier version and it felt pretty good, although not quite right. Now, it looks like we will walk the labyrinth for the first time in early May.
The roof of the AN•Chakana made great progress last week. We finally decided to make the entire roof out of the clear, transparent plastic, rather than using a color. The roof was complete except it needed the plastic roofing to be put into the center. Then on Saturday, German told us that he had another job to do this week and wouldn’t be back to finish it until next week. So close and yet so far!
There is much to do, but it’s exciting to get it done. It will be so fun to see some dear friends in a few weeks, some of them coming here for the very first time!
And if you want to join us at the Readers of the Cards Masterclass in May – click here. There are often great sales of flights to Peru lately!