The Flowering of the Heart of AN!
The rainy season in Peru always makes everything so lush and green, while a profusion of flowers are blooming everywhere! We love seeing the fire blackened hills next to us turn green and transform into vibrant new life. This mirrors what is happening within us as well.
Roberto has made great progress doing needed maintenance here. There is still much to do, but we hope to get everything finished this month. The AN•Labyrinth has once again, disappeared into the Invisible so we are making plans to cement into position the river rocks that outline it so that the plants don’t keep growing under the stones and making it disappear.
We have also been busy with writing the March Surf Report and making preparations for our Special Events in May which are almost full. We are getting lots of inspiring ideas on how to bring them to a totally new level.
The Cards of AN are still at the printers, but MAY be ready at the end of this week. New card bags in many colors have been made for them and will be picked up tomorrow. Sometimes it is totally ridiculous how busy we are, with way too many things clamoring for our attention, but even so, everything feels much easier to accomplish than it was last year.
And in a week or so, depending on the weather, we will finally go choose our Alpacas of AN! Pedro, who has a herd of around 300 alpacas at home, is super excited about this. And so are we!