The rainy season in Peru always makes everything so lush and green, while a profusion of flowers are blooming everywhere! We love seeing the fire blackened hills next to us turn green and transform into vibrant new life. This mirrors what is happening within us as well.
Roberto has made great progress doing needed maintenance here. There is still much to do, but we hope to get everything finished this month. The AN•Labyrinth has once again, disappeared into the Invisible so we are making plans to cement into position the river rocks that outline it so that the plants don’t keep growing under the stones and making it disappear.
We have also been busy with writing the March Surf Report and making preparations for our Special Events in May which are almost full. We are getting lots of inspiring ideas on how to bring them to a totally new level.
The Cards of AN are still at the printers, but MAY be ready at the end of this week. New card bags in many colors have been made for them and will be picked up tomorrow. Sometimes it is totally ridiculous how busy we are, with way too many things clamoring for our attention, but even so, everything feels much easier to accomplish than it was last year.
And in a week or so, depending on the weather, we will finally go choose our Alpacas of AN! Pedro, who has a herd of around 300 alpacas at home, is super excited about this. And so are we!
The flowers at AN•Wasi have grown profusely this year.
This is the Cantu flower which is a native Peruvian plant and the flower of Pachamama!
Since I grew up in the Arizona desert, I really love all the cactus here.
Powerful lights continue to come into the Heart of AN!
Spectacular clouds with blue beams over the Heart of AN!
Our small community has just installed street lights. They end at the Heart of AN, but are actually cosy looking at night and not too bright.
(The view from the upstairs bedroom at AN•Wasi.)
A magical Mama Killa a few days before the Full Moon.
Everything becomes so green and lush during the rainy season. Even the mountain next to us that was blackened by the fire last October has now turned green.
Our land is full of flowers. For the past month, we had white flowers everywhere, which the bees really love. Now, all the yellow flowers are starting to bloom.
We love the ancient rock walls interspersed throughout the Heart of AN.
The river rock path leading from the Tower of AN to the Octagon.
The fuchsias are native to Peru and grow gloriously without much effort. And the hummingbirds love them!
The sacred staff of the Moon.
I didn’t see this beam of light when I was at the Tower of AN, but I definitely felt it.
The center of the Tower of AN feels like it’s becoming more activated and powerful.
Yes, beams of light are still streaming in all over the Heart of AN.
Pedro and I discuss how we’re going to transform our old herb garden into a covered sitting area, as the fence comes down.
We would love to do this before our May Events, but will have to wait until afterwards since we need the gorgeous new tiles that some are bringing.
Our sweet Manzana has started biting her legs, (it’s flea season), and now is wearing a bandage so it can heal.
I know that she will be grateful if you can send her Love and Healing.
A new picarone stand has opened just a few miles from us! Picarones are incredibly delicious Peruvian deserts consisting of rings of fried dough, a bit like a doughnut, served with a yummy sauce of honey and fruits.
Last week, we visited the beautiful new printing of the Cards of AN! They still need to be cut and sorted before we can bring them home and put them into their newly made bags.
Flowers are blooming everywhere! These are the pink flowers that we planted along the fences three years ago. Now they are so gorgeous!
Pedro and Alexander prepare our grass cuttings to give to our neighbors so they can feed them to their animals. A good demonstration of AYNI ~ an Inca precept of sharing and caring for one another.
Roberto repaints one of our storage buildings. He also repaired the holes in our rain gutters, so the leaks won’t occur again.
The very adorable Alexander LOVES helping with any task, but he may be starting school next week.
Roberto is bending metal to make rain gutter holders using this brilliant blue metal wire bender. Alexander watches everything he does with great fascination.
The amazing Roberto has completely sanded and revarnished our front gate.
The AN•Labyrinth has disappeared back into the Invisible again!
It looks like we have going to have to totally rebuild it ~ this time cementing the river rocks into position so plants don’t keep growing underneath them.
Luna loves to perch on our upstairs balcony on a rainy day.
Leo loves it here too. Such a great view!
Here comes the super mystical Full Moon on March 1st.
The Full Moon had quite a halo which was even visible through the passing clouds.
Here’s a brilliant manifestation of AN!!!
Looking deeply into these photos can take you right into the New Reality of AN.
The delicate and exquisite energy of the New Reality of AN goes straight into our Hearts.