Moving Forward at the Heart of AN!

The last few weeks have passed by in a blur of motion. We are getting much accomplished here. At the same time, there’s still the strong feeling that everything is so much easier than last year. Not because we are doing less and not because we suddenly have lots of money. It’s just easier energetically because we’ve already anchored so much of the New Reality of AN here. This new ease is deeply appreciated.

The AN•Labyrinth is going through a massive recalibration and Reset. Although it had been cleaned up in December, since then it has disappeared like never before! Watching it now reemerge from the Invisible is very exciting. Although we haven’t changed the design, it has been refined. It feels like the AN•Labyrinth has been waiting for this Reset for a long time. Now, it has such powerful, clean energy.

Roberto and Ascensión are doing an amazing job of bringing it alive, especially since the former labyrinth had completely disappeared. During the first few days, I spent time with them, telling them how to listen to the river rocks and showing them how the rocks liked to go together with their families, rather than being individually set into the cement. They listened intently and the results of their understanding are apparent. All day long, they are working in the midst of these extremely strong energies and are obviously being transformed by them.

Since the labyrinth will be complete next week, we thought of building our long awaited, covered sitting area beside our house, but we are awaiting the arrival of some gorgeous new tiles which family and friends are bringing us in April and May. Instead, we are considering creating our organic vegetable garden so we don’t have to let Roberto and Ascensión go yet. They both are such sweet men who have an appreciation of what we are creating and anchoring here. We love having them work on the land with such love and dedication.

After several postponements, we finally picked up the new printing of the Cards of AN last Monday. This time we used a different printer than before, with much more positive results. The sweet couple who printed them with such care in Pisac did a wonderful job and we loved working with them. The best thing was that we paid extra for them to sort the cards into each set and this saved us several weeks of doing this ourselves. It’s funny because we wanted to reprint the Cards last year, but it felt so impossible to get the time to do it and the money to pay for the printing. But this year, it happened so smoothly!

We’ve also been busy making some secret preparations for our Special Events in May, which can’t yet be revealed. Everything is progressing organically and we have a strong group coming in May. We are nearly filled to capacity, but if your heart is strongly calling you to be part of this, we just might be able to create a space for you.

We weren’t able to get our Alpacas of AN last week since there was a lot of rain, but now the weather is sunny, so maybe our next Photo Journey will have some new additions to the Family of AN!

February’s profusion of white wildflowers have given way to March’s infusion of vibrant orange / yellow wildflowers which are scattered throughout the land. These new wildflowers are everywhere!!! This transforms the Heart of AN into such a magical fairyland!

We hope that there are still some around when we have some very special visitors in April….

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