Through the Eclipse Corridor at the Heart of AN!
The past week was rather intense and action-packed. First of all, there was the extremely powerful Lunar Eclipse last Sunday. The energies of the Eclipse continue to be strongly felt here. I have had little sleep since last Saturday and have developed cold like symptoms with constant chills and fever happening simultaneously in my body.
During this time, we also had a great visit with Patrice Karst who was here for a personal, transformational retreat. We love hosting these special, individualized retreats. The Heart of AN is definitely the right place to come to if you are ready for in-depth transformation. And we love being a part of this. We were also deeply touched by our special meeting with two Kogi Mamos visiting from Colombia.
This week, we are focusing on grounding and integration of all that has poured in this month. Keeping it simple feels essential at the moment. We cherish the moments when we can walk on the land, commune with the alpacas and do simple, natural things. This is a powerful year, so these interludes of simplicity are deeply cherished.