January 14, 2024
这里可以查看这次旅行影集的汉语版:/ See here for a Chinese translation of this photo journey:
Our first WHITE DRAGON Ceremony at Mt Fuji was simple, deep and real. At times, it felt like we weren’t doing much, but we were. It wasn’t an easy day to be outside as there was a constant cold wind that continually scoured our beings and stripped away numerous layers of expired elements. Yet no matter what, everyone stayed true.
One of the key moments of our Ceremony happened right after I had passed out small grains of sacred sand from the Courtyard of AN at the Pyramid of Menkaure in Giza, Egypt. This was the place where we had Opened the Doorway of the 11:11 during a 38 hour ceremony on January 11 – 12, 1992. This created the Bridge between Duality and Oneness.
After we had all received our pieces of sand, we tossed our grains of precious sand into the lake. It wasn’t until afterwards that Benedikt told me what he had experienced.
When he had his last grain of sand in his hand, he suddenly felt that he needed to make it bigger. He kept seeing it get larger and larger until it was the size of a mountain. Then he gently tossed it onto the top of the Philippine Plate! As soon as it landed there, the Philippine Plate tilted and he could suddenly see the eye of the WHITE DRAGON looking at him from the opening.
A little later, he looked at the Philippine Plate again. This time he could see the head of the WHITE DRAGON looking out at us!
This is an excellent example of the immense power of a single grain of sand. Our beings are also like grains of sand and we are not insignificant, powerless, small beings. All we have to do is to rise into our true greatness as Timeless True Ones and we become formidable!
And we never know when we will receive the Key that is most needed.
As our Ceremony continued, colored Lights emerged from the Sun.
Photo by Yoko.
- Next, I brought out my precious vial of sacred sand from the Courtyard of AN at the Pyramid of Menkaure in Giza, Egypt. This was where 500 of us made a 38 hour ceremony to OPEN THE DOORWAY OF THE 11:11 on January 11- 12, 1992. This created the Bridge between Duality and Oneness.
Grains of the precious sand were placed in each person’s hand.
Photo by Yoko.
- This was done with much Love.
The sacred sand from Egypt was ready for a new purpose.
Photo by Project Belle.
- Each of us tossed our sand into the lake.
Fujisan was very pleased.
Photo by Yoko.
Photo by Yoko.
Benedikt saved his final grain of sand until the end. Then he made it bigger and bigger until it became the size of a mountain.
Then he through it on top of the Philippine Plate! As it landed, the Philippine Plate tilted and he could suddenly see a large dragon eye looking outwards through the opening.
A few minutes later, he looked at it again. The head of the White Dragon was now peeked out from under the Plate.
This was totally perfect and exactly what needed to happen here. It is also a good reminder of the power found within one grain of sand. And the power found within each of us as we fully embody our Timeless True Selves. We are all far more than we presently realize.
And we never know when we might unexpectedly have a very important key!
💕 Then, there are the green lights on Nogi.
Photo by Project Belle.
- Now it was time to do the first part of the White Dragon Mudra. The second part wouldn’t be done until our final ceremony.
- We all tried the new Mudra for the very first time.
- While we made the mudra, the White Dragon watched us carefully.
- It saw that we were ready and that the planet was ready. It made its decision to fully awaken!
- We aligned with the WHITE DRAGON as we birthed our internal White Dragons.
- Timeless True Humans reawakened the White Dragon within.
- This was once of the strongest moments of our entire ceremony.
- The WHITE DRAGON continued to observe us ~ happy with what it saw.
The Sun embraced us with two wings.
Photo by Project Belle.
- Our first AWAKENING THE WHITE DRAGON came to a close. We all made a PA’A together. SO BE IT. IT IS DONE, in ancient Hawaiian.
- Everything felt complete.
- We had done what we came here to do.
- There was so much LOVE. Many had tears of joy running down their faces.
- Love and more Love. Trueness.
- We felt victorious!
We all knew that we had done something very REAL and TRUE.
And that’s why we are on the planet.
- So much Love and Joy.
- We prepared to depart through our Pututu Doorway of AN.
- We had done what had never been done before. And what could never be done again.
- I had given my all and now was so vastly expanded that I felt disembodied. That’s when Beams of Light suddenly appeared.
Such a magnificent One True Being!
- As we departed our ceremonianl site, a huge orb appeared on my heart!
- Magenta Lights shot out of Kenta’s eye!
- More streaks of Light on Benedikt!
The final Pututu Doorway of AN.
Photo by Tatsu.
More Lights encircled us!
Photo by Claire.
Inside a vehicle of Light!
And since this amazing ceremony at beloved Fujisan, we all carry this WHITE DRAGON LIGHT within us, as a part of our true being, wherever we are.
Photo by Claire.