JUNE’S EL•AN•RA CEREMONIES ~ One ~ The Preparations

Twelve people gathered together at the Heart of AN in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru for the second cycle of our EL•AN•RA Ceremonies. We had six men and six women with two participants from Argentina, two from Brazil, two from Germany, two from Mexico, two from the Heart of AN, one from the US and one from the Czech Republic. Our One Being was impeccable ~ strong and unified.

These special EL•AN•RA Ceremonies are for the purpose of loosening the pins in the Belt of Orion that hold this dimensional universe into duality. Once the pins dissolve, we will be able to shift reality systems from duality to the New Reality of AN. This is deeply needed at this time.

Because this is a Great Task, these ceremonies are being held in three parts. The first two ceremonies were in March, followed by the third ceremony of the first cycle in May. The third, and final, ceremonial cycle will be later this year.

We began with two days of preparation in which we discovered which star we would embody during the ceremonies, learned the new EL•AN•RA Mudras, released expired elements in the Fires of Transformation, created Drums of AN and prepared our bottles of water as gifts to the three sacred lakes, which correspond to the EL•AN•RA.


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1 thought on “JUNE’S EL•AN•RA CEREMONIES ~ One ~ The Preparations”

  1. Ongralea says:

    Love You! Thank You. You are all so beautiful.

    I am with You. I feel sad that I am not physically there …

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