AN•TAWA CEREMONIES 2 • Day 6 — Finishing our Ceremony at Laguna Qoricocha

On Day 6, we traveled to Laguna Qoricocha ~ the Sacred Lake of the great Inka Pachacutec (He Who Overturns Time and Space). Making Ceremonies at Laguna Qoricocha is always a greatly expanded experience.

Since we have so much space there, we naturally spread out and everything becomes much vaster. We always feel seared in the Beam. The veils between the worlds are almost non-existent.

This was the first time we have ever done Ceremonies at this Sacred Lake wearing our Magenta Ponchos of AN and this alone took us completely OFF THE MAP OF THE KNOWN onto a completely new level. Everything we did here felt very REAL and extremely TRUE and SACRED.

But since Peru’s rainy season is two months late, the lake had gotten smaller and we had the challenge of walking through deep mud in order to reach the water. This just added a new element to our ceremony. Our interaction with the mud reminded me of Lotuses.

Our AN•TAWA One Being was magnificent. Everyone was fully present ~ embodying our Timeless True Selves. The LOVE was immense. Everything felt so natural. TIMELESS. REAL. TRUE. ~ HERE WE ARE! ~

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