A New, True Year at the Heart of AN!
Since the day after Christmas, I’ve been immersed in writing my two Surf Reports ~ one for 2017 and one for January. It is always such a marathon to do two Surf Reports back to back. They were finally finished on January 7th. Since then, we have been super busy trying to complete various projects.
Our most urgent task is to raise the money for our FINAL LAND PAYMENT of our sacred AN•Sanctuary land which is due on January 22. We are almost there, but still need the last $4000. We have put in all the money we have and anything we earn, but the scope of what we are doing here is far beyond what two people can do by themselves.
If you wish to help us expand the Heart of AN by making a donation, here is the link:
Deepest Gratitude to all of you who are supporting us!!
On January 3rd, we had a joyous visit with Chalo and Matteo. Chalo was the Overseer of the building of our house who now lives in Chile with Matteo where they have a beautiful bakery. It is always so refreshing to see people who are living their True Lives in their True Place. And so it is with them.
For the past two years, it has felt like we were preparing the root system of the Heart of AN. There was construction, as well as the deep anchoring of the energy of the New Reality. In 2017, it feels like the Heart of AN will be expanding onto a totally new level. Already, we have lots of ideas of new things to do here. This feels very exciting to us!
We hope to have our schedule of this year’s Special Events ready very soon. One thing that we do know is that we will be anchoring an important Tower of Light of AN on our new land this year, most likely in May. Plus, we will have two Readers of the Cards of AN Master Classes ~ one in May and one in October.
Soon we will have some special treasures from Peru for sale in our AN•Mercado. The reason we are doing this is so that objects which resonate with the energies of AN will be available to go all over the world to strengthen the resonance of the New Reality.
We send all of our beloved Family of AN special AN LOVE and BLESSINGS for the new, True Year of 2017!!
- On January 3rd, we greatly enjoyed a visit with Matteo and Chalo from France and Chile! Chalo used to live in the Sacred Valley and was the Overseer of the building of our house. He loves to return here and see all the progress we have made. And we love to see them! They now live in Concepcion, Chile where they have the delicious Panaderia 44!
- Of course, we had to walk the AN•Labyrinth! Here is Matteo doing the AN Mudras in the centerpoint between our old life and our True Life.
- It felt really good and quite powerful to walk out of our old lives and into our True Lives at the beginning of the New Year.
- After lunch with Chalo and Matteo in Urubamba, a rainbow suddenly appeared!
- Although visible in Urubamba, the rainbow was actually over by the Heart of AN.
- Here’s the rainbow by our Apu Sawasiray. Such an auspicious beginning to this new, True Year.
- We are putting together some special treasures from Peru which have AN energy and will have them available for sale on the AN•Mercado soon.
- We have an abundance of peaches this year on our wild peach trees. They should be ready to eat in a week or two. We probably have a thousand peaches, so Eloy will have to take them to his family and friends in Willoc!
- Eloy and his brother Elvis participated in the Three Kings Ceremony in Ollantaytambo on January 6.
- The group from Willoc performed the Wallata bird Dance there. It must have been so amazing!
- The Eternal Couple, Apu Sawasiray and Apu Pitusiray have an intimate encounter beyond the clouds.
- Yesterday, we greatly enjoyed a visit with Bood and his daughter Lulu from Australia.
- Even though it was the first time we met them, they immediately felt like old friends.
- The always magnificent Apu Sawasiray disappears into rain clouds.
- Last night was the first Full Moon of the year. In this photo, the Moon has a rainbow reflection to the right of it.
- Mama Killa was gorgeous and mysterious as usual.
- Here is a New Year’s Blessing from Ganesha at the Heart of AN! May all our obstacles be dissolved in the light of Trueness. And may our True Path in 2017 be clearly illuminated by a succession of brilliant Green Lights!