There was a noticeable deepening on our third day of AN•TAWA Ceremonies.
After a morning session, we went to our water basin near the vegetable garden and filled our water bottles for tomorrow’s ceremony. Then we took our Sacred Staffs of AN to the Tower of AN and put them into position.
This was when our Drums of AN were officially introduced at the Tower of AN. This always feels very significant as it is the introduction, not only of our Drums of AN, but of new Family of AN. This time, we gathered in the outside circle and stepped into each of the eleven circles one at a time. It was powerful and felt very true. Once we reached the inner circle we all sat down and played our drums.
In the afternoon, we went to the AN•Chakana. We sat down together upon the chakana and came very close to getting the Jewels in the Crown. We were all in the correct positions, but we weren’t all in the necessary level of consciousness. It was only when I was going through all the photos for this Photo Journey that I was able to see what we need to do the next time we do this. (Maybe in October.)
Afterwards, we chanted the HU which was strong and amazing. Then we performed the ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Mudra which had noticeably deepened since the previous day. The eleven, concentric magenta circles were more active than ever before.
Later that afternoon, we returned to the Tower of AN with our Drums of AN. Again, there was that incredible feeling of clicking into position as our circle of ONE stepped deeper and deeper inwards, one circle at a time. Once we were all in position again, we embodied the Mani Stone inside the Lotus and asked for our Truest Wish.
This was a stunning day and we all felt we were ready for February 22 ~ the Day in which Everyone Worldwide would align with us.
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Ankasha, Argon, Daniela, Emanaku, Felipe, Omashar, Sebastian, Solara, Vivianne
After our morning session, we prepared to move the four Sacred Staffs of AN to the Tower of Light of AN.
Photo by Felipe
A procession was quickly formed.
Photo by Omashar
- The Sacred Staffs circled the Tower of AN before they were placed into position.
The Sacred Staff of the Moon.
Photo by Felipe
- The Sacred Staff of AN with the Alchemist Argon.
- Photo by Argon
- Once the Sacred Staffs were in position in the Four Directions, we all brought our Drums of AN into the outer circle for the very first time together.
- This was when our Drums of AN were officially introduced to the Tower of AN ~ the anchoring place of the New Reality.
- One by one, circle by circle, we played our Drums of AN as we slowly moved into the center of the Tower of AN.
- Closer and closer. The energies becoming more concentrated and True. Immersed in Pure True Love.
- It’s an amazing feeling to slowly step inside the eleven concentric circles of the Tower of AN as True Ones ~ as Family of AN. There is a heightened realness and such a strong sense of embodying your True Self.
- The Timeless True Worlds were totally merged into the physical ~ both within us and outside us. We were HOME!
- Afterwards, we went to our sacred water basin and filled bottles with water for tomorrow’s ceremony.
- Then we each cleansed ourselves with splashes of water.
- We formed a spontaneous procession to bring our water bottles back to the house.
- After lunch, we visited the AN•Chakana.
- Again, we sat as One True Being with the sense of being in One Body.
We attempted to put the Jewels into the Crown and I thought we had actually done this until I saw the photos. We were very close, but now I know what we need to do on our next attempt at the new AN•TAWA Ceremonies in October.
Then we started chanting HUUUUU.
We performed the ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Mudra several times while making a video for our AN•TAWA Anchors.
- Putting the eleven concentric magenta circles inside the Equator of the Earth.
- And then a short rest to integrate.
Later that day, we returned to the Tower of AN.
Photo by Ankasha
- Again, one person at a time moved into the next circle until we were all in the same circle. Then the steps began into the next circle.
- You can see here the point where two people in the middle have already stepped into a new circle and the ones on the left are about to come in.
- There’s something about this process that is deeply triggering. It almost feels like opening a cylinder of a lock.
- And when we are all into the first circle, we have truly arrived!
- Sitting down, we went inside our internal Lotuses and became embodiments of the Mani Stone ~ the Wish Fulfilling Jewel found in Tibet.
- Then we embodied the Silent Watchers.
- Silent Watchers strengthening the resonance of Trueness and calling forth the True Ones in all the Worlds within Worlds.
- Then we joyously played our Drums of AN again.
- Timeless Trueness anchored into the physical.
- And finally, a photo of Argon’s brilliant Drum of AN!