Completing Our New Projects at the Heart of AN!
After several months of concentrated focus, our new projects are complete! Emanaku’s new workshop, KUSI•WASI, has been moved into and he is already busy making work tables and shelves for it. It is such a brilliant addition to the Heart of AN.
And last week, we completed TAWA•WASI, our small Temple of the Four Elements! We haven’t been able to spend much time there yet, but it is so beautiful. Plus, I got another new shelf for the Art Studio which is steadily emerging into its new configuration. The energies already feel amazing there.
We still have much more reorganization to do before we are ready for a special visitor who arrives next week for a week long private retreat. But we will be ready!
We have just begun organizing our 2019 Special Events which, at this moment, look like they will be in June and October. Event Details will be available in February. There will be some exciting surprises.
The Alpacas of AN are flourishing ~ and still trying to eat our flowers! But they are more lovable every day.
Now, we are going to take a bit of a rest until we begin another exciting new project in March.
With MUCH LOVE to our magnificent Family of AN!!
- On New Year’s Eve, Amilcar and Wilbert finished creating our new fireplace ~ just in time for the New Year!
- Here it is in all its glory! Once the cement is dry, they will return to paint it.
- Here’s a closeup of our newly created fireplace.
We never know where we will encounter the Alpacas of AN! Some days they ignore us, while other days they are very friendly.
This was a rainy day when they were found on the side of our house. The sweet No’e came up very close to me.
- I sat down on the doorstep and watched them quietly, while Asiri and Kukuli came around the corner of the house. Kukuli was very curious about our art studio doors.
- Asiri came very close to me ~ so close that I had to lean backwards in order to take her photo. She is so smart ~ just like her Mama Nima.
- No’e is growing up to be a very beautiful alpaca. Her eyes are so wise and elegant.
- No’e almost came inside our house! If you look carefully, you might see Manzana trying to stay out of sight.
- Sometimes flowers pop up on the land that we never planted, such as this gorgeous gladiola.
- KUSI•WASI continues to bring us great joy ~ especially to Emanaku!
- Emanaku is already happily at work at KUSI•WASI making work tables and shelves.
- KUSI•WASI is steadily becoming more organized.
- The Octagon over by the Tower of AN is becoming quite a popular hangout for the alpacas. They probably think that we built it especially for them!
- In the center of the Tower of AN, Kukuli climbs over Asiri. They do such funny things together. And they are adding much playful energy to the New Reality of AN ~ which is now spreading out all over the world.
- They really love it here and are super cute together!
- Here are some of the contents of the storage room behind our house. We’ve been doing this everywhere and although it’s a mammoth job, it feels really good to get everything sorted.
- Aristo made me one more shelf for the art studio. This one is for paint, brushes, colored pens, paper and glass nuggets. Although, there’s still much to organize, this room is feeling much better every day.
There have been so many rainbows lately. Here is a beautiful one on New Year’s Day ~ which marked an auspicious beginning to this True Year.
Our vegetable garden is such a Timeless True World. I really love being there.
- On January 4, German and his crew finally returned to finish TAWA•WASI.
- Here’s the view of TAWA•WASI from an upstairs balcony of our house.
I’m trying out the sofas in TAWA•WASI. We bought these three years ago at an excellent discount during an end of summer sale in a Cuzco building supply store and finally will get to use them.
The walls look so much better painted white.
- We even put up some Balinese temple decorations that I’ve had for twelve years, waiting to discover their True Position.
- If you look carefully in the middle back left, you might see the Buddha at the top of the waterfalls. The Mexican starlight is a deeply appreciated gift from Ankasha!
- TAWA•WASI is already looking very inviting.
The wooden supports have been removed from our small curved bridge ~ CHAKA SONQO ~ the Bridge of the Heart. Now, it looks totally magical.
On the right side of the bridge, there is a new stone step down to the canal for gathering water.
- Here’s one of our afternoon lightning storms. This is from a video which Emanaku took, right as the lightning struck the mountain and created a wide band of light!
- We were wondering what the alpacas do during a lightning storm, so Emanaku went out in the rain and lightning to find out. Most of them get into a circle and put the crias in the middle, while others ~ like Tawani ~ continue eating.
- Early this week, Amilcar and Wilbert returned to paint our fireplace a very bright and happy yellow. Here it is, completely transformed!
- The bright colors might take a while to get used to, but it already brings us a lot of joy.
- Here’s a closeup of our New Template!
View of the Buddha on top of the waterfalls from TAWA•WASI.
On one side of TAWA•WASI are waterfalls and on the other side is the fireplace ~ WATER AND FIRE. Underneath it is EARTH and above it is AIR. A true Temple of the Four Elements.
We even have a round rug which we’ve been saving for three years for this exact location. We might build a small table to go in between our circular couches, rather than put them all together.