Ho’o Pono Pono at the Heart of AN!
The last few weeks have been full of making things right. We had a dead car battery on a Sunday and couldn’t find our jumper cables, but after several hours, finally got it going. We dealt with a broken pipe on our water pump and still have one more broken pipe to fix. And we’ve been doing our best to deal with a flea infestation on our poor cats and dogs. There aren’t any good natural flea products here in Peru, but fortunately, friends will bring some with them in May when they come to the Activation.
Pedro spent his first week here cleaning up the land ~ cutting grass and weeding. Now it’s looking beautiful again. This week he is helping Roberto on our new land to rebuild the rock walls and create a new public path. This should be finished this week. Next, we will put up a fence on three sides of the new land. Then comes the long awaited merger of all the land of the Heart of AN which will be amazing!
Last Sunday, we finally made the video of Part One of our new Triangulation Mudra. There are three parts to this Mudra. The first part unhooks us from duality and creates the Third Point. In a few weeks, we hope to make a video of the second part.
We are definitely feeling the energy of a New Beginning here. This energizes us as we prepare for our Special Events in May. We feel deeply honored and blessed to be here. And look forward to experiencing the Heart of AN with some of you.
- The first day of March began with an emergency visit from our plumber Olger to repair a broken pipe in the water pump for our house.
- After not being able to leave the land for almost three weeks while we were without a guardian and then, I had to write the Surf Report, we celebrated by going out for a meal. The colors of AN: Magenta Chicha Morada and Green Pisco Sour with yerba buena. In the background: Llamas! (Since I hadn’t been out for awhile, I didn’t feel like being photographed.)
- On the 5th of March, a nice quiet Sunday, we realized that a light had been left on in the car overnight, hence a dead battery. Here’s all our battery recharging equipment at work! <3 And of course, at the Heart of AN, a white cat is essential to the battery charging process!
- We just bought a bamboo clothes rack where we can hang all our beautiful huipiles and blouses for sale. (Cat not included.)
- The Full Moon was powerfully bright for several nights. This photo is from two nights before her Fullness.
- Here comes Mama Killa over the mountain on the following night!
- MY WILDEST DREAMS: Last Saturday night, a hotel in a nearby village had a Festival Mexicano with two visiting chefs from Mexico!!! Oh, it was soooo delicious. Good Mexican food is very rare in Peru. I’ve really missed it. I had two plates full of tacos, with LOTS of real Mexican salsa!!!
- Last Sunday, we finally made the video of Part One of the Triangulation Mudra. This first part is for the Letting Go of Duality and the Creation of the Third Point. Here is the link to the video.
- The small, wild peach tree in a corner of our AN•Chakana area is full of deliciously delicate white peaches called Blanquillos.
- The large field of our next door neighbours is getting watered by a sophisticated network of canals which stretch all over the field.
- Roberto has returned to help Pedro rebuild the rock wall and create a new public path on our new land.
- The rebuilt wall is looking really good! Roberto is the one who built the rock stairs to AN•Wasi and the AN•Chakana.
- Here’s another manifestation of the amazing energies on this special sacred land! This is where we will be activating the Tower of Light of AN in May.
- The new public path that they are creating will enable us to merge our lands into One.
- Cachorro and Manzana look longingly at the new land. They are excited to have new space to explore.
- The Moon last night was still spectacular!