The next few days passed quickly. We made a quick visit to the Chinchero Market for the sake of those who hadn’t been here the first week. We spent an afternoon in various work parties, getting much accomplished. We love the work parties and have found that it gives us a great opportunity to learn to do things in the deeper ways of the New Reality, with the knowingness that Everything is Sacred.
But our most favorite activity was going with our Drums of AN to the Tower of Light. This always created such a deep triggering of our True Eternal Worlds ~ and such a flow of timeless memories of Real Worlds and other realities far beyond time.
On our second to last night, we made a ceremony at the Tower of AN to infuse all the Countries of the World with the New Reality of AN. Emanaku and I read a list of each country, which was represented by a delicate river rock. The rock of each country was then lovingly passed around our circle until it found its right position between the eleven rays.
It was a long ceremony which wasn’t so easy, as there are many countries, and it was cold and often uncomfortable. Butt was also a very deep and unforgettable experience to sit in the dark, doing this task with love and dedication.
For his birthday, lucky Sebastian was beautifully serenaded with “Las Mañanitas” by Consuelo and her charango.
The beginning of a fresh new day at the Heart of AN.
Photo by Sebastian.
One afternoon, we created several work parties. Much was achieved in a very short time. Here, the center of the Tower of AN is lovingly washed by Consuelo, Craig and Cristina, while Gill holds the Beam.
Afterwards, it looked so beautiful and fresh!
Photo by Craig.
Consuelo and Leo sanded and lacquered the Sacred Staffs of AN.
Photo by Ankasha.
Tawa and Nima in front of our huge pile of river rocks.
Photo by Cristine.
The river rock gatherers were able to find the most delicate rocks to represent the Countries of the World for our upcoming ceremony by entering the Timeless True Worlds and stretching their arms through the Worlds within Worlds until they encountered the most perfect river stones.
It was truly magnificent!
Manzana, Cachorro and the cats were all given baths by Sherridan, Emanaku, Craig and Cristina.
Photo by Keenuane
Gabriel repaired many of our broken solar lights. Some tasks, like this one, are ones which we’ve been wanting to do for a very long time.
The repaired solar lights were put into position across the land by Cristina and Cristine.
Photo by Keenuane.
Keenuane’s paintings of the Egyptian heiroglyph for the Tower of Light of AN, which she brought LAST YEAR, were finally put up in special places around the land by Cristina, Craig and Leo.
Photo by Keenuane
The symbols of the Tower of Light of AN look totally at home here.
Photo by Craig.
Lili, Kaya, Grace and Eugenia carefully washed the AN•Chakana.
Jorge and Gabriel hung solar fairy lights in the tree by the main entrance.
Ankasha was busy taking photos of the numerous work parties.
As one task was finished, people moved to another task. Here are the Amazing Argentinians stacking our new firewood with their full beings ~ and having a lot of fun while doing it.
Photo by Keenuane.
Merrilyn, Christine and Sherridan hung mirror strands in some special trees in our fairy circle.
Photo by Solara
Our fairy tree loves its new decorations. (And a special visit by a fairy queen.)
Photo by Solara.
Our very bright and happy baños near the labyrinth.
Photo by Merrilyn
One afternoon, Pedro’s sweet wife Cecilia brought some very fine weavings made by her and other weavers in the remote Andean community of Yanamayo. We all loved her beautiful treasures!
Photo by Solara.
Nima is a true Alpaca of AN! She loves to sit by herself in the center of the Tower of AN. It is such a True Position for her.
Photo by Keenuane.
On the afternoon of May 26, we returned to the Tower of AN with our beloved drums.
It always feels so perfect to be here with our Drums of AN and it is deeply triggering beyond words.
Afterwards, Manzana went around our circle and gave everyone love.
(Notice Gill’s gorgeous green and red bag handwoven by Cecilia.
Photo by Craig.
We ended the day by sitting in the Octagon with our Drums of AN.
By this time, we had fallen so in love with our Drums of AN, that we couldn’t imagine how we had lived without them for so long.
Nima and Tawa in the Beam at the Tower of AN.
Photo by Merrilyn.
By popular request, especially by those who weren’t here last week, we made another visit to the Sunday Market at Chinchero.
Photo by Ankasha.
Everyone loved it, of course!
Photo by Ankasha.
At the mirador on our way back to the Sacred Valley ~ we present the magnificent HOMBRES DE AN!!!
And here are ~ the strong, vibrantly beautiful WOMEN OF AN!
That evening we prepared for our special ceremony to infuse the Countries of the World with the New Reality of AN.
All was in readiness at the Tower of AN for our arrival.
Our Drums of AN announced the arrival of the Family of AN!
Photo by Sebastian.
It always feels amazing when we place our Drums of AN outside the center of the Tower of Light. Something always activates and clicks into position.
It feels as if we have done this for a very long time….
Photo by Keenuane
Solara and Emanaku took turns reading the Countries of the World. Each country was represented by a river rock which was lovingly passed around our circle and placed into position within the eleven rays of the inner circle.
Photo by Craig.
It was a very strong ceremony that was felt all over the world.
Photo by Sebastian.
It was a very cold night and sitting for such a long time was uncomfortable for many, yet somehow we did our ceremony with focus, dedication and much LOVE.
The energy here in the night is totally magical. And the skies are filled with so many stars!!