JULY at the Heart of AN: Part Two
July was an action-packed month that went by so fast and was so full that it’s already difficult to remember.
We had wonderful visits with people who came to connect with the AN energies and for readings with the Cards of AN. We made two trips to our favorite village of Chinchero ~ one to align with a ceremony for Pachamama and the other one to visit the Sunday Market.
Fiestas were happening all around us ~ especially the large Virgin del Carmen Fiesta in Pisac and Peru’s Independence Day ~ Fiestas Patrias in which Emanaku appeared in his very first parade!
I wasn’t able to go to any of them, as there was much to do here, but I did make several trips to Cuzco for needed errands.
There was a strong element of Ho’o Pono Pono in July as things such as necessary repairs came up to be made right. Emanaku has been totally reorganizing his office for a month now and although it’s looking and feeling much better, the process still isn’t complete.
Emanaku also made a trip to Pedro’s village of Yanamayu with the gift of a bed and bedding. Then Christine arrived from Australia for a Transformational Retreat. We had a beautiful time together.
At the end of the month, German and his crew came and repaired the walls of our vegetable garden.
Throughout it all, I even managed to write a Surf Report and Updates, but had very little time to work on my new book which is now 822 pages!
And then, there was the dramatic arrival of August….
- On July 27, Christine arrived from Australia for a Transformational Retreat. First, she got a tour of the Heart of AN.
- Chrisitine’s first reading with the Cards of AN was extremely accurate. This is when her golden glow first appeared. Her second reading, four days later, went even deeper.
- We don’t often see the sunsets from here, but there was a spectacular one on July 29th.
- Sunday, July 28 was Fiestas Patrias ~ the Peruvian Independence Day. There were special activities and a parade at the local sports field. Here is the presentation of all the local dignitaries ~ including the Alcalde (Mayor) of the village of Huaran ~ wearing their rainbow sashes of the Incas.
- Alexander was here with his school. (He is on the bottom right.) The children were very excited to be in the parade.
- Emanaku made his first ever appearance in a parade ~ as the only foreigner in the local group who regulates the usage of the water canals.
- Afterwards, we went to the amazing Chinchero Sunday Market with Christine. Here she found, numerous presents to take home, as well as some incredible Hidden Treasures!
- Sweet Kukuli is still wearing a bandage, but her healing is progressing steadily.
- Kukuli and Emanaku have a special bond ~ especially after he has been changing her bandage daily for nearly three months.
- Since it’s the tourist season, it’s the perfect time to tear apart the roads in Urubamba! Fortunately, they are working very fast and the streets are rebuilt in just a few days.
- Our final meal at Kampu in Urubamba before Eduardo moves to his new life in Spain. Kampu will remain open with Torito at the helm.
- The brick walls of our vegetable garden haven’t been holding up well, so it was time for a major recalibration.
- Fortunately, German arrived on July 30 with four capable workers!
- It only took them two days to repair everything.
- On Christine’s last morning here, we all brought our Drums of AN to be presented at the Tower of AN.
- It always feels like the Drums of AN aren’t fully activated until they are played at the Tower of Light of AN.
- The three of us sat around the Center of the Tower of AN as Silent Watchers, played our Drums and did the SUN • MOON • AN Meditation. The energies were amazing.
- Next, we walked the AN • Labyrinth.
- In her final hour at the Heart of AN, Christine wanted to sit quietly with the Alpacas of AN.
- Since, it was a hot, sunny day, they decided to take sun baths. (Although this looks alarming, all Alpacas love doing this!)
- Ever since her first reading with the Cards of AN, Christine has had an immense golden glow within her. It’s super visible in this photo during her final moments here.
- Since we were reconstructing the vegetable garden, I suddenly had the chance to do something that I had wanted to do since last year.
- The tiles that I had prepared went around the outside of the center circle in two rows.
- As usual, German and I worked smoothly together. I placed the tiles in the correct order around the top of the circle and he inserted them into the side.
- Here’s our newly reconfigured vegetable garden! The tree behind the center is a dill plant which keeps getting bigger and bigger! From this one plant, we have an endless supply of delicious dill weed.
- The tiles and the soft, curved walls give the vegetable garden such a flowing, nurturing energy.
- The new center looks absolutely beautiful. We really love it.