Preparing for the New Year at the Heart of AN!
The past few weeks have been full of activity here. We’ve spent much of our time preparing for our huge World Treasures Sale which was held last Saturday at Viva Peru, a local cafe. And we happily raised enough money to reprint the Cards of AN! Now, we just have to find the right printer.
Our new Octagon is finished, except for the floor which we will seal as soon as possible. It feels so good to sit inside it and be totally aligned with the Tower of AN. It is exquisitely beautiful. Pedro has finished planting grass in the last areas around the Tower of AN. As soon as we can build a shed for the alpacas, we will visit his house way up in a remote Andean community in the mountains and choose our Alpacas of AN! We will probably have to bring them back in our car…. (A first for La Perla!)
We realize that this entire year has been devoted to buying our new AN•Sonqo land and transforming it into a fully functioning Tower of Light of AN. Now this huge, marathon task is nearly complete and a new era of living with the Tower of AN will begin. It was a mammoth undertaking with the constant pressure of trying to raise the money to complete everything, so it feels like a huge sense of liberation is coming soon for us.
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We’ve set the dates for our SPECIAL EVENTS in May, but haven’t had time to write the information or put together the prices yet. We will do it as soon as possible, but here are the dates!
• • THE CARDS OF AN ~ A Transformational Master Class ~ MAY 17 – 21 • •
The Cards of AN Master Class is for deep personal transformation on an inner level, while our second event is the application of our Trueness into the physical while making ceremonies merging ourselves with the Timeless True Worlds and the New Reality of AN. It’s always preferable to participate in both Events, if at all possible, since they are so different.
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Right now, we strongly feel that we are passing through the sacred corridor between 2017 and 2018. Because of this, Emanaku, Keenuane and I are entering a quiet time of Sacred Pause. We still have lots to do, and I have TWO Surf Reports to write in the next few weeks, but we are very aware of the need to be contemplative so we can find our right Entry Points to 2018.
We embrace all of our beloved Family of AN with True, True Love and thank you for sharing this wild and magnificent journey with us!
Native flowers in the area of the AN•Chakana. If you look carefully at the tree behind the two bunches of flowers on the left, you might see how magenta geraniums have now grown up the tree. They are so beautiful!
Photo by Keenuane.
- November 25 was the exciting day in which we finally removed the masking tape from the tiles at the Octagon! The tiles are so beautiful in the white bancas.
- Keenuane spent several days touching up the paint and cleaning the tiles.
- We still need to thoroughly wash and then put a protective finish on the floor of the Octagon and then it will be ready for the New Year.
- Keenuane basking in the energy of our exquisite new Octagon.
- At night, the Octagon is simply magical!
Here is our Mexican starlight with its exquisite colored glass lights!
(Thank you Ankasha!)
- Looking upwards late at night at the ceiling of the Octagon!
- Emanaku still loves to go to the Tower of AN early in the morning to see what is happening there.
- Manzana in her full presence as Guardian of the Tower of AN.
- Deep stillness at the Tower of AN after an early morning rain.
- The Full Moon through an AN Disc.
- Exquisite clouds on December 10th.
Pedro has now planted all the grass for our upcoming Alpacas of AN. When he scatters the seeds, he goes into a deep meditative state. It’s wonderful to watch him as he becomes one with Pachamama.
In a few weeks, we hope to build the alpaca house.
Photo by Keenuane
Germán returned for one day to make some repairs on the Octagon floor. This time, he brought his youngest son who had a great time playing with Alexander.
We love the river rock and cowry shell mandalas in the new path!
- We decided to line the new path between the Tower and the Octagon with flower pots full of fuchsias and geraniums. (Luckily, we bought many pots at the ceramic fair in Calca last August!) We love putting new flowers on the land!
The new pots of flowers look beautiful and will be even more gorgeous once the new grass grows.
Photo by Keenuane.
Magenta light continues to stream into the Heart of AN!
Photo by Keenuane.
- We bought a ceramic Buddha in the US which was brought to us by Ines & Burkhardt. This is the day that he was finally placed into his right position.
The Buddha feels quite at home surrounded by flowers inside the entrance to the Tower of AN.
Photo by Keenuane
We really love this special rock being outside of AN•Wasi.
Photo by Keenuane.
At the beginning of December, Keenuane and I began gathering together items for our World Treasures Sale on December 16th. There were over 1000 items to sort through and price.
We held the sale to raise money to reprint the Cards of AN.
On December 8, Emanaku started photographing the World Treasures for our sale.
As soon as possible, some of these treasures will appear on our AN•Mercado.
Photo by Keenuane.
- Adjusting Spanish silk shawls for our World Treasure Sale.
- Alexander and Pedro take refuge from a sudden rain storm. The flowers that we planted here last May are doing really well.
- Last Sunday we sat as Silent Watchers and the energies were so strong and clear.
- Manzana is VERY HAPPY whenever she is at the Tower of AN! And she is even happier if we are there with her
As we sat as Silent Watchers, the energy became stronger and stronger.
Photo by Keenuane.
There’s a lot going on here all the time. We LOVE the AN energy!
Photo by Keenuane.
The magenta lights stayed with us as we made our way back to the house.
Photo by Keenuane
A close up of one of the Buddha Guardians inside our house.
Photo by Keenuane.
Luna found a good perch to look out the window of our guest room. The Buddha didn’t seem to mind.
Photo by Keenuane.
Luna was watching Leo running along the top of our wall!!!
Photo by Keenuane.
- There is such a perfect balance and alignment between the Octagon and the Tower of AN. They feel like they were always meant to be together.
- The energy of the New Reality of AN continues to magnify ~ which is so needed in this world.
- Sometimes, it’s OFF THE MAP magnificent!
- An AN Disc appears in front of our majestic Queen Tree Guardian.
- The energies of the New Reality of AN are deep and true.
Awesome : D