SETTING THE TEMPLATES FOR 2019 at the Heart of AN!
We have been super busy completing our two ongoing projects so we will be ready for the magnificent year of 2019. Nothing is finished yet, but we have made great progress.
Emanaku is already moving into KUSI•WASI and has started to make work tables and more shelves. As free space is created inside our house, this has activated a domino effect. Everything is in a state of being repatterned, repositioned and recalibrated.
Another new shelf will be arriving this week for the art studio which will hold all our art supplies ~ such as paints, pens, paper and brushes. When this happens, more dominoes will begin to fall, putting everything into new, true positions. These shifting rows of dominoes all around us feel very timely and quite amazing. There’s the sense that we’ve waited to do this for a very long time.
TAWA•WASI, our new outside pavilion, has been awaiting the return of German and his crew who have disappeared over the holidays. When they do return, it will only take a few days to be done. In the meanwhile, Amilcar and his brother Wilbert came and built a beautiful fireplace there. The fireplace only needs half a day to be complete, then next week it will be painted.
While all this has been happening, I’ve been alternating between doing things and lying down. I’ve been in a place of deep quiet and healing ~ with a profound need for silence. The energies have been very strong here as they build up to this wondrous New Year.
We wish all our beloved Family of AN a HAPPY TRUE YEAR, full of Quantum Breakthroughs on all levels!
Alexander really likes our new curved bridge. We are still waiting for German to return to remove the wood underneath it.
Here is a close up of our Pure True Love Heart on its curved bridge.
The New Reality of AN is being strongly anchored by Kukuli and Asiri ~ our two Third Wave Alpacas.
The Full Moon as seen through our living room skylight.
As soon as they are let out of their house in the morning, the Alpacas of AN start eating their breakfast, while Asiri and Kukuli scamper about playfully under the watchful eye of Nima.
German and his crew install the floor of pastillero clay tiles in TAWA•WASI. They also were put on top of the walls and around the outside edges of the pavillion.
TAWA•WASI’s floor is finished. All it needs is wax which is waiting until the carrizo bamboo is put underneath the roof. We hope that within the next week, the walls will be painted white.
Aristo arrived with the gorgeous, new doors for Kusi•Wasi a few days before Christmas.
The doors are an original design by Emanaku.
With their various angles, they look amazing when they are open or closed. Emanaku is very happy with his new doors!
KUSI•WASI’s doors are finally installed. Now we have to wait a few days for the glass!
View from inside KUSI•WASI.
The Alpacas of AN try to steal a few last minute bites of flowers as they make their way back to their house in the early evening.
It’s so good to see Tawani in good health and holding her head up high again.
The sweet Chaska shows her affection to the beautiful Tawani.
Nima, Asiri and our very sweet visiting boy cria ~ who still doesn’t have a name. He is visiting here because he has a sore foot which we are trying to heal.
Clouds of dust as Emanaku happily sweeps clean KUSI•WASI.
Just when he is finished, there’s a surprise visit from Santa!
On Christmas Eve we went to the large Christmas fair in Cuzco called Santurantikuy. This is the ninth year in a row that I’ve been there. But my first Santurantikuy in Cuzco was in 1972, so it was actually my tenth time!
I always love visiting the ladies from the amazing Inca site of Raqchi, which is the main Temple of Viracocha ~ the Creator. They make very special pottery ~ many of which have designs of Suns and Moons.
Here are some special early morning clouds at the Heart of AN. It looks like a large wave is coming in.
The Tower of AN on a quiet, misty, rainy morning.
We never know where we will find the Alpacas of AN. Here they are visiting AN•Wasi.
It’s good that our alpacas love exploring the land and eating all the grass ~ as that means that there is less grass to cut.
Asiri really wants to play with Manzana and Manzana really wants to play with Asiri. But whenever Asiri comes close to her, Manzana doesn’t know what to do, so she becomes shy and runs away.
Christmas holidays means special activities for the children ~ including huge inflatable castles with slides which fill up the plaza in the nearby village of Yucay.
Some nearby villages held small fiestas with very colorful decorations.
On hot days, the Alpaca Pool is often occupied, (usually by Nima), so the other alpacas try to cram themselves into the narrow water canal to cool off.
On December 29, Señor Solorio, our glass man, arrived to put glass into KUSI•WASI’s doors and windows. He also put oceanic glass in some of our office windows so we would have more privacy. His assistant was impressively adept at walking fearlessly on the thin roof over our entryway.
Our amazing vegetable garden is very loved by our plants. Everything is growing – Growing – GROWING and we can barely keep up with it. It is all delicious and there’s a special healing quality to everything that grows here.
On December 29, La Perla picked up another green, mystery item.
Here’s our new metal drying rack to hold Emanaku’s wood.
On December 29, the very nice Amilcar and his brother Wilbert arrived to work on TAWA•WASI. I wonder what they are building?
By their second day, the bricks of TAWA•WASI’s new fireplace were already in position.
Last Sunday (December 30), there was another early morning meeting of the local water canal association. Emanaku was there with our neighbors at 6:30 am!
By the late afternoon of New Year’s Eve, the Template to enter the New True Year of 2019 had been set. The Heart of AN was ready!