Solistice Ceremony at the Heart of AN!
On the Solstice, there was a call to join a ceremony centered in Uluru, Australia. This presented us with an interesting situation. There was something powerful and true about the call to align together all over the world. Yet, while this felt right, there were also elements which didn’t feel right. One of the strongest red flags was that the organizers of the Uluru event had not attained permission from the Anangu tribe (the Original People) who are in charge of Uluru. In fact, the Anangu had actually come out against this event.
So we were presented with something which felt both right and wrong at the same time. This is how many things feel at this time. There’s an element of strong rightness on certain levels, while there’s also an element that isn’t in full integrity. That’s because the fixed delineations of duality’s “Good” and “Bad” are in the process of dissolving. During situations like this, it’s an excellent time to pull out our Heart’s Knowingness and follow the Compass of our Heart.
Here at the Heart of AN in Peru, we decided to make a simple ceremony. Even though I have deep respect for the sovereignty of the Anangu, there was a powerful feeling of rightness to participate. The only way we could do a ceremony with full integrity was from the New Reality of AN ~ with the focus on unifying with our One True Being on the New Timeline. At 5:00 am, Emanaku and I sat on the grass at the Tower of Light of AN, facing in the direction of Uluru. We didn’t do the focus that the conference had asked everyone to do. This wasn’t a conscious decision; we simply forgot about it.
Basically, all we did was sit on the ground as embodiments of the New Reality of AN, wearing our magenta ponchos. We played the hand painted clapsticks that I had gotten at Uluru during my first visit there in 1991. We did a few of our AN mudras, but nothing felt really necessary ~ just our being present on the New Timeline in alignment with everyone all over the world felt like it was more than sufficient. Our experience was deep and powerful ~ full of immense love. And that was enough. Afterwards, everything here was streaming with light. We had entered a wondrous Timeless True World that was full of great beauty and true magic.
- Emanaku and I got into position for our Solstice Ceremony before 5:00 in the morning.
- Manzana loves ceremonies and immediately decided to sit in the center of the Tower of AN.
- We began by aligning with Pachamama. It had rained for most of the night so everything was a bit wet and very clean.
- Our clapsticks from Uluru were ready, placed on either side of rocks from Uluru which I got there during my first visit in 1991.
- Bringing in the New Reality of AN during the Sun • Moon • AN Mudra.
- Cachorro realized that we were doing a ceremony and ran over for some love.
- Next was the Mudra of Returning to our Original True Blueprint. This felt important to do.
- Then, we embodied the new expanded Silent Watchers. Sitting in our Sovereignty as Earth-Star Beings and True Ones, we lovingly and firmly told duality that we were now reclaiming this planet and it was time for it to leave, that the old story was finished. Our ceremony was short and simple, but felt very clean, powerful and true.
- In the Octagon was the painting I made in 1993 of the Aboriginal Prophecy.
- Near the end of our ceremony, the energies moved completely Off the Map.
- Once again, we experienced an amazing, completely new level of energy at the Heart of AN. This energy first started coming in last October when Alberto recalibrated everything.
- The Sun burst through the clouds at the end of our ceremony.
- Everything looked astonishingly beautiful ~ fresh and new!
- After making this painting in 1993, for the sole purpose of remembering the Aboriginal Prophecy which I had received in Australia, last week, I brought it out and added paint to it, (The original version was composed mainly of iridescent glitter and had no paint.) This moved it to a new level by activating the Rainbow Serpent.
- True Magic was in the air all around us. The Heart of AN absolutely glowed and felt so pristine.
- We were in complete awe of what we were seeing and feeling.
- It was beyond beautiful. We knew that the physical world and the Timeless True World of AN had merged like never before.
- We could feel the immense Love of the weaving of our One True Being. It felt like you were all here with us.
- It was Qapaq Raymi ~ the Summer Solstice here in Peru and it felt like such an auspicious beginning of a new cycle.
- Emanaku emanated deep True Love, along with all the natural world.
- Here’s a closeup of my recalibrated painting. There are three overlapping Ulurus in the middle (made of red dirt from there) which form a Desert Rose (an Australian wildflower). In the center is a multi-faceted star, surrounded by blue flames. The Rainbow Serpents signify the paths taken to complete the Original People’s journey of migrations. (I have written the full story of this Prophecy in my new book.)
- Afterwards, we sat on our upstairs balcony to watch the sky
- A playful Air Dragon pranced by in the clouds.
- Then a procession of clouds passed by ~ going to the right until they reached the center of the mountain where they suddenly started spiraling to the left.
- Finally, the magenta light of AN streamed in.