Living in the New Timeline at the Heart of AN!
November was an action packed month full of steady changes ~ large and small. The Alpacas of AN were sheared so they won’t be so hot. Although they don’t like the shearing process (which is done very gently with scissors in Peru), immediately afterwards they are happy with their new lightness.
German occasionally showed up to complete various tasks, such as plastering the new storeroom behind Pedro’s house, covering over some skylights at Kusi•Wasi, raising the floor of the alpaca pool and plastering a section of wall beside our entrance gate. All of these small projects created visible changes in the energy.
In the middle of the month, our dear friend Craig arrived from the US on a mission of mercy, bringing us lots of much needed items that we can’t find here. Although Craig was only here for a week, his being here also brought more positive changes to the Heart of AN.
In the middle of the month, there was a sudden flurry of activity on our tiny dirt road. Huge road equipment unexpectedly arrived and started widening and grading our road. Now, it feels like an expressway in comparison.
Emanaku’s new, beloved small drone got stuck at the top of the tallest tree in this area, which fortunately is on our land. This happened on the day when the roadwork outside made it impossible for anyone to pass, so we couldn’t get any tree climbers to come. We both know that when the normal solution isn’t possible that it’s time to look for a completely new, off the map, solution, so what Emanaku did was to wisely sit beside the tree and silently talk to her, asking her to release the drone. And she did! The next challenge was repairing the drone. As there isn’t an option in Peru of obtaining new parts, Emanaku had to activate his internal healer and heal the drone using super creative methods ~ which he did.
Meanwhile, Craig took on the formidable task of completely reorganizing our pantry which was somewhat in a state of chaos. This took several days, with occasional help from me. But now the pantry is totally reordered and sparkling clean. It’s a whole new world in there. And not only the pantry was transformed, so were all of us, as well as the entire Heart of AN.
Craig’s last day here was when the magic suddenly revealed itself. It’s explained in more detail in the photos, but in the afternoon, we all ended up in our magenta ponchos at the Tower of Light of AN. What happened there was beyond words. The energy of the New Reality of AN infused us as never before. I finally saw how the Jewels go into the Crown and that if travel opens up in the world, we would do this here sometime in 2021. This is a necessary key to shift reality systems which I’ve been trying to discover for several years.
We also see that choosing to live your life on the New Timeline is essential right now. This brings us a whole new set of energies and experiences. The more we do this, the stronger and more viable the New Timeline becomes.
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Our most pressing challenge is the lack of rain this year. The rainy season should have begun over six weeks ago. Crops are dying in the fields and if rain doesn’t come soon, many people will have no food. This comes after a very hard year of prolonged quarantine here in which many people lost their jobs. Our area has been particularly hard hit because of the complete null zoning of the tourist industry which many people depended upon.
Some of the local people in the various communities here are already performing ancient rain ceremonies that haven’t been done for years. We have just started the process of making rain with one hand and will soon do a rain ceremony here with our friends and neighbors. It’s a serious problem.
You can greatly help by joining with us to SEE and FEEL THE RAIN ALREADY HAPPENING IN THE PARTS OF PERU WHERE IT IS NEEDED! Please keep holding the focus that RAIN IS ALREADY HAPPENING. Thank you from our whole Hearts!
- Our part of Peru is experiencing a serious drought. Our rainy season is six weeks late and many crops are drying up. We were very grateful for a much needed rain on November 9th. Please join with us to SEE and FEEL the rain here in the dry parts of Peru, drenching the land.
- It was time for the annual shearing of the Alpacas of AN!
- Our expert shearer Walter arrived with his wife. First up was Nima who made the most fuss even though I talked to her in Star Language, telling her how beautiful and cool she would soon be.
- After the shearing was over, the alpacas pranced around proudly, so happy to be lighter and cooler.
Emanaku was making a random drone flight over the AN•Labyrinth when the alpacas suddenly arrived. We love how their shadows are so much larger and detailed. To me, it feels like their True Selves are becoming visible.
Photo by Emanáku
- The alpacas happily scampering across the land with their new haircuts.
- Here they are holding the Beam for all of us at the Tower of AN.
- German returned to plaster the new storeroom behind Pedro’s house. The next step will be painting it and making two doors.
- We raised the bottom of the alpaca pool which feels much better.
On November 15, our friend Craig arrived from the US for a short, but very fun visit. It felt very important that he come through the newly created, open travel window to Peru.
He also brought us some much needed items that we can’t get here, which were deeply appreciated.
It really felt like Craig was clearing an energetic pathway that needed to be reopened.
- In the middle of the month, our friend Danny from Inka Sisters and Brothers United came for another visit. He told us of driving to Lima and out in the middle of nowhere, there were children asking for food, something that has never happened before. We quickly contributed to some donations raised by Inka Sisters and Brothers so he could take food and blankets to them on his next trip there. (Which he did last week.)
- Also in the middle of November, huge road machinery arrived unexpectedly and started renovating our small dirt road.
- One of their machines knocked down the fiber optic cables, which fell in front of our main gate and made it difficult for us to leave the land for a few days.
- The road has become noticeably wider and flatter.
- The New Pathway has now been cleared. Presenting our newly finished New Road!
Emanaku is totally in love with his small drone ~ Anka-ku.
Photo by Craig.
Emanaku has been taking some amazing photographs with it which give us an entirely new perspective of what is all around us.
Photo by Craig.
- On November 19, Anka-ku decided to land up in the top of our tallest tree, La Reina, who is 90 feet or 28 meters tall. Since this was a day of major roadwork on our road, we could not get a professional tree climber here. Emanaku and Pedro prepared a landing pad for the drone to land on, just in case it fell.
- Pedro bravely climbed to the top of our tallest extension ladder and even that was too far away from the drone. The situation called for a wildly creative solution.
- Manzana held the Beam while Emanaku sat quietly under the tree asking La Reina to please release his drone. And within a few minutes, she did! While he was sitting there with his eyes closed, he heard something land on the drop cloth. Emanaku had found a new, true solution to a problem which could not be solved in a normal way.
- Anka-ku had sustained some damage during its adventures. One small part was broken and one leg was twisted. In some countries, this wouldn’t be a problem as he could easily order replacement parts. But this wasn’t an option in Peru. Instead, Emanaku had to find a way to not only repair the drone, but to heal it physically and energetically. Fortunately, he had a special magenta healing repair tray! It took a couple of days and much off the map creativity, but Anka-ku finally was fixed and is flying again!
- A few days later, German returned to plaster this small section of wall outside our main gate. Eventually, we hope to plaster the entire wall, but for now, we are going little by little, making small positive changes whenever we can.
- The wall is still drying in this photo, but already looks beautiful and adds a new refinement to our entrance. As it dried, it lightened in color.
The Alpacas of AN are very happy with their cooler coats. And they totally love their simple ramada.
Left to right: Ri’ti No’e, Nima
What’s interesting is that each person who comes to the Heart of AN this year brings a piece of magic which helps move everything to a new level.
Craig chose to take on the formidable task of reorganizing our pantry. It is now like a brand new world where everything has its perfect place.
A task like this is far more that just an outer reorganization. It’s also a letting go of expired elements. All of this happens within us as well. Even though Craig had the strongest transformation, it continues to have a profound effect on all of us and the Heart of AN itself.
On November 22, Casita Huaran down the road from us hosted a Weaving Fair featuring the women from several remote Andean communities, high up in the mountains. These weavers have had no place to sell their beautiful weavings all year which means that they’ve had no income since March.
Craig and I went there early and I tried to buy something from as many ladies as possible until I ran out of money. (I’m in the blue huipil on the far side of the circle.)
Many people came and by the afternoon, it was a great success. Each lady had sold something!
Photo by Craig.
Returning home, it was time to feed the alpacas their broccoli leaves.
Photo by Craig
- Here is one of the beautiful treasures that Craig got from the Weaving Fair ~ a super vibrant alpaca scarf, in magenta!
- On his last afternoon here, Craig mentioned that he was sorry that he hadn’t bought a poncho the last time he was here. That’s when I remembered that we had an amazing Magenta Poncho of AN that hadn’t been put on our AN•Mercado yet. When he tried it on, something clicked into position and it was totally obvious that it belonged to him. That’s when Emanaku went upstairs and retrieved our magenta ponchos. After that, we all just had to go in our Magenta Ponchos to the Tower…
- This is what happened in the center of the Tower of AN ~ standing in the New Timeline far above the Earth as One Being and anchoring it deep within the physical planet.
- It was awesome and powerful, as well as immensely joyful.
- Everything moved to a completely expanded new level which we had never experienced before.
- The energies of the New Reality poured into the Heart of AN.
- Everything felt ultra REAL and TRUE. There was so much LOVE!!!
- There’s something very special about wearing our Magenta Ponchos of AN at the Tower of Light of AN. It really feels like returning HOME.
The energies all around us have become heightened PURE AN.
Photo by Craig
- And then suddenly, this special triangular cloud emerged from the closest mountain.