We had an amazing Conclave of the Family of AN. Much of what we did, was not photographed, since we were all involved in the ceremonies which took place daily. Everything was also of such a level that much of what we did was not meant to be photographed, or even described.
On the fourth day of the Conclave, we walked the AN•Labyrinth in a completely new way. Its True Purpose had been revealed to me earlier that morning. During the first half of the labyrinth, we walked out of our old lives in duality. Occasionally, we encountered places and emotions where we were still hooked in duality and we would stop and release them. It was a deeply transforming experience.
When we reached the centerpoint of the labyrinth, it felt so good to step onto the AN circle. In the middle of the center, we did the AN Mudra and proclaimed out loud, “MUANI” (I am the new beginning of the New Reality of AN!)
Then we walked the second half of the AN•Labyrinth, it was a good reflection of what we are experiencing in our lives right now. Although we could not see where our journey through the labyrinth was taking us, we made each step in Trueness as a True One. And with each step into the New Reality, we felt increasingly lighter. As we emerged from the labyrinth, our Family of AN awaited us with great joy! It was a profound experience.
The next day we made the first part of our Jewels in the Crown ceremony on our new AN•Sonqo Sanctuary land. This new part of the Heart of AN is absolutely made for ceremonies in the New Reality. The energy there is so clean, so pure, so greatly expanded. Even so, it felt like our One Being was not quite ready, (for various reasons), to fully embody the Jewels in the Crown, so our ceremony was short and incomplete. But we did what we could and began the process of putting the Jewels in the Crown. Afterwards, we all sat on the edge of this land and basked in the exquisite energies.
There will be four parts of this Photo Journey. We have made new videos of the 11:11 and AN Mudras, as well as the Silent Watchers and Pa’a which are currently being edited. We also have some amazing, new drone footage of the Heart of AN coming soon.
We hope that you can feel the energy of what was accomplished here during the Conclave, and feel the expanded New Reality of AN.
We are already thinking ahead to next October’s Conclave of the Family of AN. Many new ideas are coming in. And we hope that more of you will be called to come.
- Apu Sawasiray from the Heart of AN.
- The morning we were to walk the AN•Labyrinth, it finally revealed its True Purpose and how it was meant to be walked. We began at the North and emerged at the South. During the first half of the labryinth, each step took us further out of our old lives. The second half of the labyrinth took us deeper into the New Reality.
- Taking steps out of our old lives, out of the Template of Duality. And just like it is happening in our daily lives, we often cannot see where we are going, nor the details of our journey, yet we listen to our Heart’s Knowingness and make each step into the Unknown a true one.
- After traversing half of the labyrinth, we reached the centerpoint. This was when we stepped free of our old lives. Then we began walking into our True Direction, into our True Lives in the New Reality. The shift of energy we felt while walking the second half of the labyrinth was very, very real and super powerful.
- When we stood in the middle of the centerpoint, we proclaimed, “MUANI”. “I birth the MUA, (the new beginning) of AN (the New Reality). MUA AN I. It was a powerful moment and felt tremendously liberating!
- As we reached the end of the labyrinth and fully emerged into the New Reality, our Family of AN joyously awaited us.
- Walking the AN•Labyrinth was a very deep experience for everyone and mirrors our experiences in life right now. As we go through the labyrinth of life, we often cannot see the details of where our journey will take us. But if we make each step a True one, we will be led to our new, True Position where our True People await us.
- These are the beautiful pink flowers that are growing on our metal fences. I think that they are called “purple trumpet vine”. I also had them growing at my house on Kauai, Hawaii, so they are very familiar to me and give me a sense of being HOME.
- Sebastian in his brilliant new Chinchero poncho!
- The lovely Lili in front of an AN disc in our wall.
- Eliane of Brazil in Pure Heart Love.
- That afternoon, we made our first attempt at a new video of the 11:11 and AN Mudras. Since I made some mistakes, we made another video a few days later. It’s being edited right now and will be online next week.
- It felt really good to do the Mudras in front of the AN•Chakana.
- This is our beautiful new land where we are going to do our Jewels in the Crown Ceremony.
- The energies here are so clean, so expanded and so deeply loving.
- In the morning, we held a small practice of our ceremony.
- Afterwards, we sat down on our new, AN•Sonqo sanctuary land and basked in the energies.
- This is such a magical place with strong AN energy!
- The beautiful Maru of Peru and AN with her daughter Matilda.
- Aurora Ankara of Chile.
- Sharon of Israel.
- Eloy made us temporary bridges over the acequia canal.
- Luna in repose amongst the flowers.
- After lunch, we returned to our new land, this time wearing white.
- Here’s the acequia canal that we cross to get there.
- For our Jewels in the Crown ceremony, Eloy led us onto the new land while blowing a pututu (conch shell).
- First, we formed a circle.
- Once again, the energy here felt amazing. This new land really is the HEART of the Heart of AN.
- Next, we did the 11:11 and AN Mudras.
- Then we became the Jewels.
- One at a time, we moved forward into a circle of pika pika and placed our Jewel into the Crown.
- All the Jewels are finally in the Crown!
- Next, we rotated to the right and placed our Jewel into each of the settings in the Crown.
- Afterwards, we sat under the tree and immersed ourselves into the energies of the expanded New Reality.
- Maria, Juana, Sebastian and Eloy looked at their new photo.
- Keenuane beamed with Inés and Lili.
- Marcela, Aurora, Keenuane, Lili and Maru.
- Maria, Juana, Emanaku and Solara, all touched by the immense Love here.