We had an amazing Conclave of the Family of AN. Much of what we did, was not photographed, since we were all involved in the ceremonies which took place daily. Everything was also of such a level that much of what we did was not meant to be photographed, or even described.
On the final day of the Conclave, we made a ceremony dedicated to the Kayumari ~ the blue deer of the Huichols in Mexico. The Kayumari is the guardian of the doorways between worlds, known as the Nierikas. Because they know how to travel through all the worlds, we asked them to find the right people to make a film of my book, “The Legend of Altazar”. We created a Dance of the Kayumaris for this purpose.
Later that day, we made another ceremony for the Jewels in the Crown and place them into the AN•Chakana. It felt really good to do this. Yet, the process of putting the Jewels into the Crown still doesn’t feel complete. My feeling is that we need between 22 – 44 people to do this correctly. Perhaps, next year at the Conclave….
October’s Conclave was a good beginning. It was extremely fun, deep and transforming. We greatly expanded the energy of the New Reality of AN and felt it go all over the world. And we love hearing from people who felt it on the other side of the world!
This is the final part of this Photo Journey of the Conclave of AN. We have made new videos of the 11:11 and AN Mudras, as well as the Silent Watchers and Pa’a which will be online this week. We also have some amazing, new drone footage of the Heart of AN coming soon.
We hope that you can feel the energy of what was accomplished here during the Conclave, and feel the expanded New Reality of AN.
- Buddha amidst fairy flowers at the Heart of AN.
- The exquisite AN•Chakana.
- On the final day of the Conclave, we made a ceremony with the Kayumaris. They are the blue deer known to the Huicholes of Mexico who are the guardians of the doorways to other worlds called Nierikas. The Kayumaris know all the hidden doorways to all the worlds. So we created a Kayumari Dance to ask their help in connecting with the right people to make a brilliant film (or films) of my book, “The Legend of Altazar”.
- The Kayumari Dance begins as we all embody Kayumaris.
- The Kayumaris danced around the AN•Chakana.
- It was lots of fun being a Kayumari.
- As Kayumaris, we searched for Altazar’s True People ~ the ones whose True Destiny is to make this film (or films).
- The Beacon of AN in its true position!
- Later that day, we returned to the AN•Chakana to place our Jewels into the Crown.
- Here we come as Jewels, onto the AN•Chakana!
- When we sat together on the AN•Chakana, it felt extremely solid and grounded.
- We could see and feel the Jewels placed into the Crown. And we can still feel them, even now.
- This is as far as we could go with placing the Jewels in the Crown. We will go deeper into this at our Conclave next year when there are more people.
- Keenuane and Juana enjoy talking about weaving. We are thinking of offering weaving classes with Juana next year, if anyone is interested.
- Eloy with one of our borrowed sheep from the neighbors.
- Maru’s daughter Matilda was fascinated with both of our dogs.
- Emanaku loves taking photos. Many thanks to him, Lili, Aurora, Keenuane, Sebastian, Sharon, Eliane, Inés and me for the photos!
- Manzana really felt part of our One Being and placed herself in just the right position to fill up the empty spot in our circle.
- The group staying at AN•Wasi and Casita Huaran enjoyed sitting by the fire at AN•Wasi at night.
- Inés is Peruvian and currently lives in Pisac. She participated in the Cards of AN Master Class and the Conclave!
- The dogs really loved being with us during our ceremonies and basking in the LOVE.
- After ceremonies, Manzana wanted her own lliclia to lie on.
- The magnificent Leo quietly watches everything!
- Here’s Matilda again delighted to be around a dog. Manzana is unsure how to react.
- Sebastian and Keenuane at home in the Heart of AN.
- Maru’s partner Christian arrived in the afternoon of the final day with his drone! Wait until you see some of the footage it took of the Heart of AN!
- Returning Home at our True Home.
- The Conclave of AN was brilliant, deep, fun, full of Love and super transforming.
- The Eye of AN.
- We are very, very happy to hear that many of you felt the expanded energies of the New Reality of AN all over the world.
“When we sat together on the AN•Chakana, it felt extremely solid and grounded.” This image felt to me to be or represent the core of the Conclave. I felt so much gratitude for all of you in anchoring the One Being. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou! This image is now my desktop wallpaper : )