Transforming With the Cards of AN!
Yesterday we completed our five day Cards of AN Master Class. We had a super strong group of fourteen people, all of whom, except for two, are staying on for the Activation of the Tower of Light of AN which begins tomorrow. Seven more people are arriving and we have our needed twenty two people for the Activation.
I’ve always felt that we needed twenty two for the Activation and we recently heard that the San Bushman of the Kalahari will be making a sacred dance to ignite the One Heart Fire in South Africa on the 24th of May, when we will still be in ceremony here. They will also be having twenty two people in their ceremony. So there’s a great rightness in the Master Number of Twenty Two, the number of Building the New.
The day before our class, we placed the tiles of the eleven pointed star into the center of the future Tower of Light of AN. It looks amazing! While we were having our Cards of AN Class, German and his crew finished the river rock paths and built the porton at the entrance of the AN•Sonqo land. The final coat of lacquer is being put on the porton today and this afternoon, we will install our new AN Disc there.
Roberto and his crew have been making carrizo panels to cover parts of the metal fence and they not only look beautiful, but they give us more privacy. Today, we will also put up our ceremonial banners throughout the land.
Tomorrow we begin our six day Activation of the Tower of Light of AN. We will try to find the time to make a video of the second part of the Triangulation Mudra and get it online for you. From tomorrow, May 18 – May 25, we will be in ceremony here, with the main Activation of the Tower of Light of AN taking place on May 23. We don’t know what hours we will be doing this, as we work spontaneously with the energies and nothing is preplanned.
We invite you all, Beloved Family of AN, to join with us during this time to anchor the New Reality of AN all over the world. I’m sure that you will feel the times when you are called to be with us. The energies are so strong here that at times, it is almost flattening, but we have the best group ever!
We embrace you all with an infusion of the New Reality of AN and Pure True Love!
- German and his son prepare the center of the future Tower of Light of AN.
- Keenuane and I stood as very joyous guardians as German put the final layer of cement into position.
- Keenuane and I prepared the eleven points of the star that would go inside the center of the Tower of AN.
- Finally, I began carefully placing the tiles into the cement.
- The final tiles are put into position. Sebastian gently pounded the tiles into the cement with a rubber mallet.
- When all the tiles were in place, German added another layer of cement.
- I pointed out to German a tile that was hidden as Nina, Keenuane, Anna and Sebastian watched.
- Elias and Fabio dug a new canal from our new land across the driveway to the site of our future vegetable garden. Then Roberto made a simple wooden bridge so we can drive over it.
- The community path to the road was also cleaned up by Roberto and his crew and is now much better than before.
- We also took time to buy some special weavings from Pedro’s wife, Cecilia.
- The entrance to AN•Sonqo was finally filled with river rocks.
- The top of the porton at the entrance to the new land is raised into position by Roberto.
- The entrance is looking quite beautiful! Such a dramatic transformation in just a few weeks of intensive work.
- Our Cards of AN Master Class was filled to capacity. Alexander from Germany is ready for his reading. Watching are Anna from Spain, Lili from Argentina, Keenuane of Mexico and Alaena from UK.
- Gill of England, who now lives in Bulgaria, learned how to read the Cards of AN very quickly. And Luna is here too! It was a brilliant class.
- We had such a powerful class with an amazing group! Here are Christine from US, Galina and Svetlana from Russia, Gloria from UK and China plus Sebastian and Alexander of Germany.
- Here’s Sebastian with a strong “Bring it On!!!”
- Last Sunday we made a pilgrimage to Chinchero Market to find hidden treasures and card cloths.
- Sebastian has become a Master Shopper.
- Keenuane also has a very good eye for hidden treasures.
- Lliclias in action! I really love the different textures and patterns of this stone road.
- Afterwards, we always show each other what we found. Here is Svetlana with her new card cloth for giving readings of the Cards of AN.
- Cristine found a real treasure!
- Keenuane got two gorgeous new lliclias!
- On sunny days, we split into two groups and read the Cards of AN outside.
- Continued readings with the Cards of AN kept going deeper and deeper.
- While our Cards of AN Class progressed, much activity was taking place elsewhere at the Heart of AN. Here, our second truckload of carrizo bundles arrives!
- While we were having classes, Roberto and his crew were making fence inserts of carrizo.
- Here are the carrizo panels in position. We don’t have time to put them all around our new land, but they will serve to give us a bit more privacy.
- Alexander plays soccer with Alexander (who said that tiny Alexander plays astonishly well!)
- Yesterday afternoon everyone helped to lacquer the portón so we can put on a second coat this morning and hang the new AN Disc in the afternoon.
- The flowing river rock paths as seen from inside the AN•Sonqo land.
- The Tower of Light of AN is ready to be activated!