On the Brink of a New Beginning at the Heart of AN!!!

This past week was spent in hyper speed as we rushed to get ready for the Activation of the Tower of Light of AN. The AN•Labyrinth was totally recalibrated as every single rock was removed and reset by hand. River rock paths started flowing into our AN•Sonqo land and more flowers were planted. The new sofa beds that Aristo made were put into AN•Wasi and the beautiful garden benches that we ordered last February finally arrived. We were also super busy putting together the meal plans for our two Special Events and organizing transportation for everyone.

At the same time, since we had so many extra expenses, we were down to the bottom of our bank account. Every week has been a challenge to pay our workers, but somehow we have managed to do it. There’s no option to stop the work or pull back; this Activation is too important. And there’s nothing we can do, but to put our full beings and everything we have into doing this.

On Tuesday, Sebastian arrived from Germany and Keenuane from Mexico, and even though they had long travels, they both leapt into action! We still had so much to do in so little time, that this was a huge help. And it is so fun that they are here.

Each day, the energy here becomes unquestionably stronger and deeper. Everything feels Ultra Real and True. The air is quivering with anticipation and excitement. Last night’s Wesak Full Moon brought us a gigantic Moonbow that filled the sky. This really felt like a new portal that is opening before us.

Get ready for major transformation, beloved Family of AN.

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1 thought on “On the Brink of a New Beginning at the Heart of AN!!!”

  1. Gabor Beke says:

    Dearest Solara and All of You There,

    COUNTDOWN – at last! 🙂 Please keep informing the “One Being Community” 🙂 about the developments of the Activation of the Tower of Light of AN.

    Will be connected with AN Love,
    Gabor from Hungary

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