Beacon of AN Rooftop Ceremony Part Two
On April 21st, we held a simple, but deeply touching, ceremony at the Heart of AN to put the Beacon of AN and two toros from Pucara on top of the roof of our house.
Now chicha is poured by Victor and Aurelio as an offering to Pachamama
inside the toros and all over the top of the roof.
All the while, Emanáku and Solara hold the Beam so that everyone on the roof is safe.
Our Maestro de Obras, the magnificent Victor, joyously descends from the roof.
Chalo throws multi-colored confetti, pika-pika, all over the roof.
The roof looked so beautiful with the flowers and confetti on it.
Chalo also throws confetti out of the tower window.
Here it is! The Beacon of AN is in position.
It is placed so that it faces the rising Sun, as per Inca tradition.
Afterwards, I sprinkle a blessing of confetti on the heads of everyone present.
Next, we all enjoy a special lunch which Chalo has brought.
Walter, Julie, Tuanet, Carlos and Mateo together at the Heart of AN.
(Whose name means: To Sew Together in Marriage)
so it is open to receive her energies.