Beyond Busy at the Heart of AN!
We are making lots of progress in our preparations for our May Special Events, but there is still so much to do.
Our new metal fence has now been painted green. No more shiny silver color. It looks much better since now we barely see it. German and his crew are putting the finishing touches on the river rocks around the new gate, which was installed at the end of last week. This also looks much better.
Roberto and his crew have finished digging myriad holes around the perimeter of the metal fence and have filled them with black dirt. Today they will start planting pink flowers in all the holes. They are also creating new flower areas around the entrance to the AN•Sonqo land. (Sonqo is heart in Quechua.) These are being edged with small stone walls.
Four garden benches are being made for our land and should be ready next week. And today, one of our favorite carpenters, Aristo will start making two new couch beds for AN•Wasi. Tomorrow we wil buy the foam mattresses for them in Cuzco, as well as fabric for their mattress covers and pillows. I am busy working on the tile design for the center of the Tower of Light of AN, trying to get it done before I have to immerse myself in writing the May Surf Report next week.
All of this is happening in the midst of occasional glitches such as no water for a few days, the electricity going out, the main market in Cuzco was closed for its annual cleaning on the day we planned to go there and a teacher’s strike in the Sacred Valley. But just like water, we continue flowing by finding the pathways which are open to us. And when things get really hard, most of the time, we just laugh!
As soon as the pink flowers are moved from our old fence to their new locations next to the new fence, we will take down seven segments of the old fence and merge all our land. This should happen sometime next week and will bring a noticeable shift in energy.
The Heart of AN feels like a weaving, with all our threads woven together. This is especially true with our new sacred land, which we never could have gotten without the support of so many of you. We are all caretakers of this sacred anchoring point of AN. It is such a Beacon of Love and Trueness ~ an anchoring point of the New Reality which is so deeply needed in these challenging times. It represents the weaving of our One True Being.
Thank you, dear Beloved Family of AN! WE LOVE YOU.
- Our beautiful AN•Sonqo land is getting ready for May’s Activation of the Tower of Light of AN. And Manzana loves it here!
- Pedro has three year old twins. His adorable son Alexander has spent the past two weeks with us and is very shy and sweet. He speaks only Quechua so we will have to learn more.
- Coming home from Cuzco last week, there was such an exquisite light on the mountains.
- Afternoon light streams across our driveway.
- Here’s our Heart of AN wheelbarrow collection. Our two new blue ones and the last old one which is on its last legs.
- Roberto paints the final section of the fence while Alexander tries to climb the open part of the fence.
- Cachorro is fascinated with Alexander and has adopted him as family. In the background, you can see the difference between the fence which we’ve painted green on the left and the silver galvanized fence on the right. Now it’s all painted and the fence has almost disappeared back into the Invisible.
- Behind our house we have a completely unplanned bush full of ultra spicy ricotta peppers. It just appeared out of nowhere!
- Eric is making four garden benches for the Heart of AN. Emanaku took him to a nearby lumber yard where he combed through everything until he found the right pieces to complete our benches which should be ready next week!!
- It’s time to get down on the floor in our art studio again! This time, I’m starting to design the center of the Tower of Light of AN.
- Reflections into the New Reality in our living room.
- Last Friday afternoon, the new garden gate was finally installed. All was well until we discovered that one of the workers had accidentally taken the keys with them!
- Here’s our design in progress. Fortunately, they FINALLY had some new tiles in Cuzco. And we are happy to report that Luna seems to like it.
- On Sunday, we had our first day off in a long, long time. So we visited the Inca site at Chinchero.
- The entire site has many levels of Andines (Inca terracing).
- Chinchero is at an elevation of 3,762 m (12,343 ft). And there are even higher mountains in the distance.
- Such an incredible Inca wall. Not only do all the stones fit together in an amazing way, but I love how the surface is rounded to make it look softer.
- We ran into some school girls who asked Emanaku to take their photo. I was about to move out of the way, when they said that they wanted a photo with me!
- This is one of the special Inca walls that has music in it. You don’t hear the music with your ears; it plays inside your being.
- One of the strange outcroppings of ancient rock.
- I returned to the village of Chinchero taking the upper path, while Emanaku went to the bottom of the valley and took the lower path.
- A long stairway leads to the huge rock being in the distance. This is the path Emanaku took.
- He passed a sacred stone altar.
- If you think that we are living on the edge, just imagine what it is like for this tree! But as we well know, life these days requires a special balance.
- At the far end of the site, there’s a very unusual rock being. Various nichos are cut into the rock and the far side has a stairway on the top. There are channels for water. Hidden at the top right, by the ear, is a small stairway cut into the stone.
- While Emanaku was there, two people got into position overlooking the abyss.
- This charming pathway leads back to the village at the bottom of the Inca site.
- A red tailed hawk flies overhead.
- TODAY’S ACTIVITIES HERE: Here is the new rock wall being made today where we will plant flowers at the entrance to the new land.
- German and his son finished the new gate today!