In April, German and his team began making new water canals in several parts of the land. There was one going to our vegetable garden area and another one which goes to our neighbor at the bottom of our land. German also built a wall to close up the new storage area behind Pedro’s house. Before it is finished, we need to design a door for this space and have our brilliant carpenter Aristo build it and the window frame. As soon as that is done, we can start using this much needed storage space.
While this was in progress, I suddenly had the idea to recalibrate the path to our sweet guesthouse, AN•Wasi. Previously, the path consisted of individual river rock stepping stones which weren’t very practical for rolling suitcases on. Also the small grass strips between the stepping stones required a lot of maintenance. We decided to unite the stepping stones with strips of cement which were filled with beautiful hand painted clay tiles and river rocks.
Since many of the clay tiles had designs on them which had a top and bottom, we had to decide whether they would be right side up while entering or leaving the casita. We decided to alternate the direction of every other strip of tiles, creating a story with the designs when you go into the house and a totally different story when you leave the house.
Meanwhile, stone apachitas (sacred rock cairns) created by Yojhan continued to appear in unexpected places.
Then, the wildest idea of all arrived with another strong burst of the Creative Surge ~ to create a simple stone circle within the area of our fairy circles! Little did we know where this journey would take us.
But that story is for the next Photo Journey….
Sunflowers in our festive vegetable garden!
Another Rainbow Serpent passed by.
The view of magnificent Apu Sawasiray from the Heart of AN .
One of Yojhan’s amazing apachitas (sacred stone cairns) which keep appearing in unexpected places.
This is the hill above Casita Huaran across the road from us ~ the one that was totally blackened by a fire last October. In April, it was completely covered with beautiful yellow flowers ~ something that we’ve never seen before. It’s such a positive sign of rebirth ~ fresh new life!
The trees on the hill across from us make stripy shadows in the mid morning.
A misty, rainy afternoon with our Inca flag.
German and his crew built a few new canals to move water throughout more of our land. This one is above our driveway and even has a little waterfall.
This new canal is to channel the water away from flooding the field next to our vegetable garden.
Sweet little Tika is getting quite wet, but doesn’t want to go inside, unless we go in too.
Here’s the new canal channeling the water away from the field.
German also closed up one end of the storage area behind Pedro’s house.
Here it is almost finished. The next step is to design a door and have Aristo, our trusty carpenter, make it, along with the window frame.
Our next creative project was redoing the path to AN•Wasi. Although the stepping stones looked all right, they were always a challenge to roll suitcases over and required careful grass cutting between the stones.
We decided to create a more flowing path by adding cement strips filled with hand-painted clay tiles and river rocks.
This will make the area much more flowing and easier to maintain.
After the path was complete, it was covered with plastic sacks to protect it from the rain.
We had to decide which way to put the painted tiles. Would they be upside down or right side up when you walked the path to the house? Our solution was to alternate direction in each strip so that the tiles tell one story when you walk towards AN•Wasi and tell a completely different story when you leave it.
The strange and beautiful new path to AN•Wasi!
The new, expanded terrace and path feel much better.
The spectacular morning light in our valley irradiates everything with the magenta light of AN ~ the Sun and Moon as One Being.
The Mirador near Chinchero which overlooks the Sacred Valley.
Cloud Beings on the way to Urubamba from Chinchero.
The late afternoon sky over the neighboring village of Arin. The cloud looked like a woman swimming through the sky.
With so many new spaces being created on our land, it was time to make a second trip to the Vivero to buy new flowers.
The end of the rainy season is always so beautifully lush and green.
There has always been a huge hole on our land. Finally, we decided to fill it up. First, Percy, Elio and Pedro brought up the beautiful rocks which were down on the bottom of the hole.
This gorgeous large rock being was happy to be liberated from being hidden behind plants.
Another one of Yojhan’s stunning creations.