For the past few weeks, we’ve been surfing a massive creative surge here. Every day is exciting and full of myriad things to do. We are doing our best to keep up with it all, but it’s nearly impossible.
My book is now 352 pages and I’m writing on it whenever I have a chance. The words are still flowing as fast as I can write them down. It will probably take me several months more to finish it, but I’m really enjoying the process.
After disappearing for a month, German and his crew returned last week. Major progress was made on our vegetable garden area. What’s surprising is how amazing the energies are there. It really feels like entering a Timeless True World when you walk down the hill to it. It’s like going into a previously unknown level of the New Reality. German won’t be here this next week since he has another job, but when he returns, we hope to get everything done. We will have photos of the incredible transformation that is taking place there in our next Photo Journey.
One thing we have learned during the past months is how helpful some kinds of delays are. There’s no need to get frustrated or try to force things to happen. With our vegetable garden, we have needed the times of not-doing for the energies to move into the state of Right Time – Right Place. These delays have served us well, for we had no idea that our vegetable garden would transform into a Timeless True World.
Two weeks ago, Emanaku made another journey to Pedro’s village of Yanamayo. This time, he took Tawa with him so he could return to his larger herd in the mountains. Tawa felt like he was somewhat bored here and would prefer being home in the vastness. Also, we have heard that it’s better to have two females to act as guardians for the baby crias. When they arrived at the mountain pass before Pedro’s village, there was so much snow that they couldn’t go any further, so Emanaku couldn’t rescue any baby alpacas that trip. (Pedro and his neighbors have lost many baby alpacas this winter due to the snow and extreme cold.)
Last week, Emanaku returned to the high sierra and this time, he brought back a large, brown female alpaca whom we have named Tawani. She is very sweet and quickly became friends with Nima. He also got four crias who were the most vulnerable to the cold. Every time we bring sick alpaca babies to the Heart of AN, they are healed within a few days. The same thing happened this time. So now, our current total of Alpacas of AN is fifteen! The two adult females: Nima and Tawani, as well as thirteen, absolutely lovable crias. Three of our new alpacas are brown ones and they are all so adorable. I have a list of Quechua names for them and will be giving them their names as soon as I have a free moment.
The Heart of AN is moving to a totally new level, as are we. It feels so good and so true. And we are deeply grateful.
At 6:00 in the morning, the Alpacas of AN decided to visit AN•Wasi and play with Cachorro.
They like AN•Wasi a lot.
There was an amazing sunrise here last week.
Cachorro likes to play with the baby alpacas and they love his antics!
One of my very favorite things to do is spend time with the alpacas.
They are immensely cute and constantly entertaining. We love being around them.
Two weeks ago, Emanaku returned to Yanamayo to pick up some more crias. On the way there, a majestic llama blocked the road!
Many alpaca crias have been lost this year due to the cold, snowy weather.
At the pass, Emanaku suddenly ran into a great amount of snow and couldn’t go any further.
We had decided to exchange Tawa for a female companion for Nima as we’ve heard that two females make better guardians for the babies. Also, it felt like Tawa was bored here and would be happier back with his larger herd in the mountains. So Pedro met Emanaku and escorted Tawa back to his herd.
There was so much snow that Emanaku was unable to get any new crias.
On the way back to the Heart of AN with Pedro, they picked up his brother and gave him a ride to Patacancha where Emanaku took this sweet photo of them.
The crias would have to wait for another week to be rescued.
We’ve been busy in the art studio again. In our next Photo Journey, you will see what we did with this new tile design.
Leo helped us create new tile designs with his piercing stare.
After a month’s hiatus, German and his crew arrived and quickly set to work making the water tank for our vegetable garden. Meanwhile, Pedro and Percy had removed all the old grass in this area so it could be replanted with healthy grass for the alpacas.
We started creating our vegetable garden at the beginning of April, but paused the work in May during our Special Events. Work began again in June and then paused for a month.
Now, we just had a super productive week with huge progress, but will have another pause this coming week.
We have realized that each pause has been perfect. Every time that we begin again, everything moves to a new level. Our next Photo Journey will show what it looks like now.
Here’s the beginning of the new canal to the water tank. Wait until you see it now!
Here’s sweet No’e looking to see where Emanaku is going with the car.
A week ago, Emanaku returned to Yanamayo to get more alpacas. Here is part of Pedro’s herd. They blend surprisingly well with the landscape.
They had to cross a river to get to our car.
Here is Tawa with his herd! He seemed quite happy to be back in his mountains.
La Perla was loaded with four more crias, as well as the magnificent Tawani
Tawani will help Nima look after our herd. She reminds me of a lionessa and is sweet and wise.
The four crias are ones who were weak and sick and who might not have survived if they had stayed in the snow. (Pedro has already lost over fifteen crias this year.)
We love seeing how the baby alpacas recover so quickly after coming to the Heart of AN.
Ready to leave the high Andes! Tawani is so big that she barely fit into La Perla.
We love the moment when the new alpacas meet the rest of our herd. There was a lot of nose touching and sniffing as they got to know each other. Tawani and Nima quickly became friends.
It didn’t take long for the new ones to make themselves at home.
Now we have FIFTEEN Alpacas of AN!
We even have three brown ones. Adorableness just went off the charts!
Our newly expanded herd goes for their first visit to the Tower of AN.
They are very happy here with the sunshine, the tasty grass and the wondrous energies of AN. And we are totally delighted to have more Alpacas of AN.
Super Mega LOVABLENESS inside Alpaca•Wasi.
Here are the three brown ones. All of our new brown alpacas have huge eyes.