This past week was super accelerated here. The AN energies of the New Reality are becoming stronger every day. Yesterday, we could see and feel this immediately when we returned home from a quick trip to Urubamba. As soon as we opened the front gate, we were absolutely astounded by the exquisite beauty of the Heart of AN. We unloaded the car, then Emanaku returned to our front gate and took some amazing photos which clearly showed what we saw and felt.
We got much accomplished here this last week. After more than a year, our herb garden was finally planted! We also planted flowers in the new flower area by our AN•Chakana and they look so beautiful. On the street, the new electricity poles are being put into position. Plus, we are working on making my books available on iBooks. “The Star-Borne” is almost ready and Emanaku is formatting “11:11”. Amiel made a brilliant suggestion that we hold Silent Retreats at the Heart of AN so visitors can commune deeply with the AN energies of the New Reality, so we are in the process of organizing them for 1 -4 people at a time.
We attempted to remove a rock that stuck up a foot above the ground in the area where we want to build an outdoor sitting area by our house, only to discover that it was HUGE!!! Since we don’t want to break off the top, we are going to leave this guardian in position and have the top part, which will stick up through the floor, become an altar to Pachamama. So I sprinkled the rock being with pika pika confetti and Eloy carefully put the dirt back around it.
We also started work on the AN•Labyrinth. Emanaku and Eloy began outlining the design on the ground using yeso plaster dust. Next, Eloy will dig channels where the yeso is and put river rocks into position to outline the labyrinth. The labyrinth is an interesting design; it’s a bit strange and messy, not quite what we expected, but it feels right. It has two paths into the center and can be walked by two people at the same time, which feels very AN. Throughout the journeys into the center of the labyrinth, the energies of Sun and Moon merge.
We are also in the midst of designing the roof for the AN•Chakana which needs a cover to protect it from the strong Sun here. But it doesn’t feel right to simply have a roof over it; there needs to be something which enhances the AN•Chakana and feels like an integral part of it. Now, after numerous adjustments to make it feel right, the design is finally becoming more clear. It will be both simple and stunning. It feels to me like a Jewel in the Crown. I can’t wait to see it manifest.
As you can see, we are riding a massive creative surge and even though we are often tired or feeling super overstretched, it is immensely exciting! The New Reality of AN is alive and it is HERE, NOW!
Our Events in 2016:
Yesterday, when we returned from a quick trip to Urubamba, as soon as our front gate was opened, we were met with such a burst of amazing energy! We could instantly see and feel the New Reality of AN manifest on the physical. It was absolutely stunning!
As soon as we unloaded the car, Emanaku returned to the front gate and took these amazing photos which perfectly demonstrate the amazing energy that is here.
The Heart of AN is irradiated with blue-violet light
Also this week, the new electricity poles were put into position. They are going all the way to the tiny village of Cancha Cancha which is a four hour walk uphill from here. Once they reach the end of the road about 1 kilometer from here, each heavy, cement pole will need to be hand carried to its position by thirty men.
Cachorro is such a sweet, loving dog and although he lives on the other side of the land with Eloy, he visits us often.
Last Saturday, Rina our veterinarian, came from Cuzco to update the vaccinations of our AN animals. Cachorro also had a small operation, but recovered quickly. Here Luna looks at him with concern.
After we realized that this rock being was way too large to move, we decided to make it into a Pachamama Earth altar that will stick up in the middle of the floor of our outdoor sitting room. So I sprinkled pika pika confetti all over it in gratitude before Eloy refilled the hole around it with dirt.
We also tried to remove a stone from the area where we want to build an outdoor sitting area by our house. As you can see, the rock was much bigger than we expected!
The other morning, we were peacefully lying in bed when we sleepily looked upwards at our bedroom skylight and saw this unexpected sight!!
Leo had found an open window in the upstairs AN room and decided to explore the roof.
Luna and Leo love to perch themselves at the top of the stairs to see what’s going on downstairs.
View of the labyrinth with half of it laid out with yeso plaster. The “stage” area is on the left, and our newly moved rock being in the back makes a perfect seat.
Here is the huge rock being that was brought up to the surface last week. It feels happy in its new position and is very comfortable to sit on.
Later, I came over and made some refinements.
On Monday, Emanáku and Eloy (in his new sun hat) began laying out the AN•Labyrinth. heart emoticon The two entrances will begin at North and South.
We’e getting closer to our final labyrinth design! This one has two paths to the raised AN circle in the center. Both of the paths continually merge the energies of Sun and Moon. The design may look strange and messy, but energetically it feels good.
After more than a year, we finally planted our herb garden! There are jalapeño peppers, banana peppers and Thai peppers, (guess who LOVES peppers!), in addition to basil, cilantro, lemon balm, parsley, dill, chives and radishes. Already after only a few days, our first tiny shoots are coming up!
After the plants become big, we will remove the ugly, temporary fence.
We also found these delicate plants with red flowers which love to live in rock walls and are planting them all around the AN•Chakana area, tucked into the rocks.
While Eloy planted the new flowers, his girlfriend and her sisters were busy working on their creative projects. Juana sets up her loom wherever she is.
We still have our two, super cute, visiting sheep who are slowly eating, (much too s-l-o-w-l-y) our abundance of tall grass.
Here’s the right side of the new planter. Many of the seven natural circles on our land have ancient rock walls which we really love. heart emoticon
That’s a wild peach tree on the right. Look at the next photo to see who is sitting behind it.
Eloy is rightfully proud of his work planting the new flowers. They look so beautiful and at home here.
Eloy and I arranged them into their new positions around this amazing cactus.
At the vivero (plant nursery) in Urubamba, La Perla was filled with gorgeous new flowers for our ceremonial area.
Right now many plants are flowering all over the land and it feels totally wondrous and magical.
The New Reality of AN is strongly anchoring here at the Heart of AN.