Feeling the Eclipse at the Heart of AN!
For the past few weeks, we have been feeling flattened and extremely expanded by the energies of last Monday’s Total Solar Eclipse. Yet, in the midst of it all, we carried on with needed maintenance here such as repainting some walls, varnishing our benches and ordering a truckload of firewood.
We’ve also been preparing to totally reset the Tower of Light of AN. The materials have arrived and now we are just waiting for German and his crew to show up. This reset feels timely and important and we’re very excited about doing it.
On Sunday we had a wonderful visit from Belissa who was here last year. This time she brought her two sons, Gaby and Nico, and we had a lot of fun. They left this morning, so now we’ve returned to work with so much to catch up on.
The Eclipse itself felt amazing. Even though it wasn’t visible in South America, it was strongly felt. At the time of its totality, we were doing the Silent Watchers of the Heart of AN inside the Tower of Light and this felt so strong. We seeded the Eclipse with the seeds of the New Reality. The entire Eclipse doorway was powerful. We could feel everyone all over the world who was aligning with it. There was such a strong surge of Love and the New Reality of AN became ever more visible.
We still have some spaces available in our Special Events in October. The Cards of AN Master Class will be October 12 – 16 and bring mega transformation. And our Second Activation of the Tower of Light of AN from October 19 – 24 gives us a brilliant opportunity to put our enhanced knowingness into practice and bring forth our greatness. We really hope that more of you will come and experience the exquisite energies of the Heart of AN as One True Being.
More information is here: anvisible.com/events/
- Last week, we built a new rock wall and planted some lily bulbs to the left of the entrance to the Tower of AN. Pedro’s two sons, Percy and Alexander helped us.
- This geranium started as a small plant in a bucket and has grown so huge. In Peru, geraniums often grow to the size of trees!
- Pedro’s son Percy was here for a week and repaired some of the patches of rain damaged paint on our house.
- Percy also applied more marine varnish to our benches. There’s lots to do before the next rainy season!
- Last week, we also made our final visit to the annual Mamacha Asunta Celebration in the nearby town of Calca, just in time to watch a procession go by!
- The costumes were amazing, with much fine beadwork and lots of ribbons! All the groups had brilliant, intricate dance steps and were accompanied by their own musicians.
- The masks make everything feel quite surreal.
- Thursday it rained all day ~ our first good rain in two months. It felt like such a blessing from Pachamama. The next morning, the mountains were covered with lots of fresh snow!
- The stunning view from an upstairs bedroom of the new snow on the Apu.
- Here is the view from our AN Room with new snow and lots of amazing lights and orbs.
- Last Sunday we went to Chinchero Market, only to find it completely closed! Everything had moved to the fairgrounds by the lake. It was Chinchero’s annual Feria!
- Driving to Lago Piuray outside of Chinchero, we found the Feria!
- Chinchero always feels a bit Tibetan to me. Especially with the strings of colored flags and tall snow-covered mountains.
- This fair had everything! Rides for the children, live Andean music, displays of agriculture and weavings, food booths, as well as lots of animals.
- Here is the llama area!
- We met our friend Belissa and her two sons here. Even though they are Peruvian, they live in the US and were coming to spend three nights at the Heart of AN.
- There were booths full of amazing weavings from both Chinchero and Apu Ausangate. I helped Belissa choose a few special treasures.
- Apparently, someone here does “alpaca therapy” and “horse therapy”. I totally understand how being around super cute alpacas would be great therapy and make you constantly smile. This is why we hope to get two alpacas later this year for the Heart of AN.
- Here is a closeup of a group of super adorable, well decorated alpacas! The one in the front with grass in its mouth is especially cute!! (And so is the alpaca on the left.)
- Here’s Emanaku’s “Eclipse” photo taken during a small hike with Belissa’s sons, Gaby and Nico. (Of course, the Eclipse wasn’t actually visible from here, but he did the best he could.)
- Even though it wasn’t visible here, Belissa and I were ready for Monday’s Eclipse. Nico is already ringing the bells on our Sacred Staff of AN.
- We sat as Silent Watchers of the Heart of AN during the totality of the Eclipse.
- After each round of Silent Watchers, we moved closer and closer to the center.
- As we moved inwards, Manzana decided that Nico really needed his face licked! (This is one of the challenges of being a Silent Watcher when Manzana is around.)
- As we moved deeper into the center of the Tower of Light of AN, the energies became increasingly stronger.
- At the center, we did the AN Mudra.
- Then slowly moved outwards, opening up the Tower of Light of AN.
- Afterwards, we went to Viva Peru for a late lunch.
- All of us were still feeling super flattened from the strong energies.
- Yesterday morning, while I was finishing Belissa’s reading with the Cards of AN, Emankau, Nico, Gaby and Manzana went to the AN•Chakana to record some drumming.
- Nico and Emanaku had an instant bond and were so cute together.
- This morning we said farewell to Belissa, Gaby and Nico. They loved it here and we hope to see them again next year.
- The Tower of AN is now getting ready for a major RESET, both physically and energetically. The physical recalibration was supposed to begin today, but German and his crew didn’t arrive. Maybe tomorrow?