Focusing on the Practical at the Heart of AN
After a wild, wild November, we have turned our attention to integrating the influx of new energies by focusing on practical matters.
KUSI•WASI now has electricity and is waiting for the front door to be finished. Our carpenter Aristo says it will be ready in one week. Once the door is installed, Emanaku will move in all the tools, paint and building supplies. Then he will start building a work table and various shelving. He is beyond excited!
The magical world of our vegetable garden ~ MIKUNA PACHA ~ is flourishing. A few days ago, Pedro and I finished planting the few empty areas. We already have an abundance of lettuce, arugula, onions and radishes. Coming soon will be cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, summer squash, bok choi and lots of tomatoes. It’s an immensely healing, nourishing area.
The waterfalls for the water canal that goes from the water tank in the garden to the canal around our house have been created. There are now three waterfalls which are so relaxing and beautiful.
We have two new shelves in the Art Studio for my tiles. This creates a huge breakthrough! I’m already planning for a new shelf which will hold all our paints and pens! I love getting everything reorganized into their right positions.
AND…. Construction is in progress for TAWA•WASI ~ a small temple of the Four Elements.
The Alpacas of AN are all happy. Sweet baby Asiri has grown immensely and loves to frolic while the others eat grass. Tawani seems to be getting more healthy.
Our days are full of too many things to do, but we are happy and full of enthusiasm to get as much done as possible.
- December began with a huge Sunbow over the Heart of AN. There are geometric symbols inside it and three blue spots of light!
- Our “rainy” season is giving us lots of beautiful, warm, sunny days and not enough rain.
- The happy Asíri leads the Alpacas of AN out of their house in the morning. Asiri and Cachorro are the only animals born at the Heart of AN.
- Nima and Asiri in the Fairy Circle.
- Water flows to our exquisite vegetable garden ~ MIKUNA PACHA ~ which is growing – growing – growing! This is the water canal that flows into our new waterfalls by our house.
- We now have three metal holders of varying sizes for our firewood! I love it when things are orderly. And we absolutely love the elegant river rock edges on the cement floors!
- Emanaku has already bought some wood that is now drying, so he can make shelves and a worktable for KUSI•WASI.
- KUSI•WASI now has light!
- December 1 was Roof Repair Day! German and his crew replaced all the cracked tiles on our roof and repositioned the ones which had gotten out of place.
- Look who’s already teaching her daughter how to anchor the New Reality in the center of the Tower of AN!
It’s time for milk!
A new use for the Tower of AN!
Since the energies of the New Reality of AN spread all over the planet from here, there’s a new element of nourishment that’s going out all over the world.
- Our neighbor Daniel and his sweet daughter Mariela came to visit Asiri.
On December 3rd, two veterinarians ~ Ursula and Kusi ~ came over to check out Tawani and give her some medicine.
Tawani seems to really likes Kusi. It’s so sweet how she rests her head on him. I’ve never seen her do that before.
- Greetings from Asiri, Nima, Shiipi and Sisu! Each one of them is so different and each one of them absolutely melts my heart.
- The beautiful plant from Chalo and Mattieu has been planted in its True Home.
There is so much from the New Reality that wants to physically manifest here! ~ Worlds within Worlds!
- The very sweet Lorenza diligently cleans the window of our art studio which is getting ready for some major changes!
- Aristo arrives in his moto truck with two new shelves for the Art Studio!!!!
Here comes one of our new shelves!
Actually, while they may look like ordinary shelves, what they really are – are QUANTUM BREAKTHROUGH SHELVES!!!
- This was part of my old storage area for mosaic tiles. It usually looked a lot worse, with many more piles of tiles on the floor and scattered about the room. It was impossible to find anything!
Here is my super beautiful, ultra well organized NEW TILE AREA with two new shelves! Now I can easily see where everything is and this makes me very happy!
Of course, this has catalyzed the domino effect, as the rest of the art studio now needs to be totally rearranged and recalibrated ~ which I shall be very happy to do.
- Our garden ~ MIKUNA PACHA ~ is flourishing! We’ve been so busy that only a few days ago, Pedro and I finally planted seeds in the empty areas of the garden.
The race is on to eat lots of salads!
Our magic garden is full of lifeforce and it is so nourishing to just walk into it and sit for a few minutes.
- Our first tomatoes are starting to appear!
Aristo returned and did more door measuring. And he’s here again today.
As soon as the doors are installed, Emanaku can move in! This will create another domino effect as many tools, paints and building materials will then move from our laundry room and our storage sheds into KUSI•WASI, creating lots of new storage space in our house which will rapidly get filled up. It will be a total RESET!
TAWA•WASI ~ A Temple of the Four Elements!
- Asiri is growing up so fast! She is so much bigger than she was just a few weeks ago. And she has a very cute, heart-shaped nose!
- While everyone else is busy eating grass, Asiri likes to race around the circles of the TOWER OF AN at lightning speed and leap high up into the air. She’s so spirited and playful!
- The Alpaca Pool glows in the sunset.
Nima still loves the Alpaca Pool the most. She thinks that it was created just for her ~ and maybe it was.
She especially love immersing herself in the pool when she can have a nice dirt bath immediately afterwards! Asiri always waits patiently while her Mama is in the pool.
- OH! It looks like another tile project is coming soon….
- Pedro waters the garden, while Manzana watches from on high. We finally planted the center with comfrey and pink cosmos flowers. And bright orange marigolds were planted behind the banca seats.
he waterfalls have been created under the Buddha. Plus, there’s the waterfall in the back on our water tank and a waterfall in the canal. Four Waterfalls! It’s especially beautiful when the water is flowing more strongly.
And we didn’t have to do much to make this happen. The ancient rock wall was already in position.