Infusions of Light at the Heart of AN!
August has been full of deep transformation here. The first week of August was so uneventful that we had no new photos to share. I concentrated on writing the August Surf Report, while Emanaku prepared for his trip to Germany for his son’s wedding. On the 9th, he departed for Europe and that is when it all began to go massively OFF THE MAP for me.
I had no hints that a wild ride was ahead until that night when I was unable to sleep at all. I had no feeling that I was going to get sick and instead, was looking forward to getting many things done while he was away. Then I couldn’t sleep at all during the second night. And the third and the fourth….
This is when I became unexpectedly sick and very weak. I was filled with icy cold chills and flu / cold / bronchitis symptoms. My appetite was completely gone and I could no longer eat. My bodily systems became greatly diminished. This is when I had to surrender many things such as writing the Surf Update, putting my August Surf fragment on FB, sending confirmations to registrations to the Conclave of AN. Everything would have to wait, for I could do nothing.
I realized that I needed help and shortly afterwards, our friend Lynda volunteered to come. On the fifth night, I finally had a few pockets of sleep, but remained in a state of great weakness. It was only on the 16th August when Emanaku was traveling back to Peru that the energies began to shift. I was still very sick, but revelations began pouring in. The New Reality became even more visible.
Now, this is his second day here and this is the first time that I am working at my computer. I feel indescribably altered. The Heart of AN is glowing with fresh new light. And I know that all of this was a set up to take me and the vision of the Heart of AN to totally new levels. Without a doubt, ALL IS WELL!