Around the beginning of September, the Peruvian Post Office finally reopened! (It had been closed since the middle of March.) This meant that we could finally send all the orders we’d received for the past six months. We’ve been waiting for this for a long time. But like everything happening right now, there’s always a twist. Ours was that the Sacred Valley was unexpectedly returned to quarantine at the beginning of the month, after being finally free of quarantine in August. Fortunately, this new quarantine hasn’t been as strict as the one we’ve had since March. Quarantines, as many of you know well, add layers of inconvenience to everything. It brings many aspects of our lives to a complete halt and sadly, it is bankrupting so many businesses. The worst is that it prevents many people from working. Seven months is a very long time to go without income.
In September, we have been putting some focus on doing some Ho’o Pono Pono (Making Things Right) such as needed maintenance, as well as implementing some positive changes. New lighting has been installed in places where it has long been needed, such as the stairs; our water cistern was thoroughly cleaned. Cachorro had a needed vet appointment. We’ve planted new seedlings in the garden and new flowers along our driveway. And we have almost finished adding all the wondrous new products which we acquired during the last year to the AN•Mercado ~ our online store at
I have a strong feeling that we need to create tiny islands throughout the Heart of AN where the energy moves to a completely new level. So far, we are starting small ~ adding new improvements outside and inside which actually greatly transform the energy. Each time we do this, it lightens and brightens our energy and brings in new waves of inspiration and freshness.
For the past few months, I’ve been super motivated to work on my new book of stories of my life. It feels important to get it done, and there’s still a long way to go, even though it’s probably around 900 pages at this point. (It will be more than one volume, for sure!) I’ve temporarily postponed many of my other activities, such as giving readings with the Cards of AN, so I can give my book my full attention. The energy to write is strong; the words are flowing out effortlessly and I’m really enjoying this!
Great News! As of October 1, the quarantine in Cuzco and the Sacred Valley has been lifted. International and domestic flights are scheduled to slowly resume in October. By next week, we should be able to see what businesses have survived. And hopefully, we can now move onto a completely new phase of life.
The energy at the Heart of AN has felt a bit dormant over the past seven months. But now there’s the sense that vaster, deeper levels of the New Reality of AN are about to enter. We are doing what we can to get ready….
The AN•Chakana ~ A Bridge Between Reality Systems ~ Four Steps ~ Four Stars ~ TAWA.
A sunrise tinged with a rosy glow at the Heart of AN.
The sweet Manzana and her pure, true heart.
The extremely loving and wise Luna and Leo.
At the end of August, we received an urgent phone call from Agosto, our Q’ero friend of many years, whose family was out of food.
There are many people going hungry in the Andes since we are in our seventh month of quarantine and the tourism industry that many people relied on has collapsed. Many are not able to find work to support their families. Normally, Agosto and his family make artisan crafts which they sell at the huge Qollya Rit’i and Inti Raymi Ceremonies, which were both cancelled this year.
Fortunately, INKA SISTERS AND BROTHER UNITED came to the rescue and took food, blankets and toys for the children to three small, Q’ero communities, including Agosto’s. The people, including dear Agosto, were deeply grateful. (You can see in their sad eyes, how difficult it has been this year for Agosto and his son. We are grateful to help in any way we can.
A beautiful old woman from Huchiwasi gratefully wraps herself in her new blanket and clutches her bag of Animalitos.
This sweet little boy got a bottle of bubble maker! These true hearted people should not be forgotten.
Aerial view of the AN•Chakana on the left and our vegetable garden on the right. Here you can see just how extremely dry everything has become without rain for nearly four months. (Usually, we have some winter rains.) Fortunately, the rains should begin in October.
The beloved Alpacas of AN! Rit’i, No’e and Nima.
The Lovable Dogs of AN: Manzana and Cachorro taking a rest in the shade.
Since July, we’ve been trying to catch up on needed maintenance. Our plumber Olger came and cleaned out our water tank.
Still loving their broccoli leaves and not at all shy about it. I’m finally mastering feeding three alpacas with only two hands.
Emanaku made another trip to Mercado San Pedro in Cuzco a month after his first visit. There is a tiny bit of progress, but most vendors are still closed.
This is the artisania area inside the market. Everything is still tightly closed up. It feels very sad.
We have been trying to buy new bayeta wool so we can make more bags for the Cards of AN. But nothing has been open for seven months.
We’ve realized that it’s important to try to recalibrate small areas, both inside and outside, whenever possible. Even tiny changes that shift the energy to an expanded, more true level and raise the level of energy all around us. Here, we are trying out small mirror squares behind the Buddha in our entry.
Alfredo, our electrician since 2011, came and put up some new lights for us. It’s really good to see these dear, familiar people again. We have all been so isolated.
Here is the Buddha in our entry with his new lights. Next step will be the small mirror squares!
Night view through our front doors.
Another week passes and guess who still LOVES their broccoli leaves!
In the middle of September, our vet Ursula came to do a biopsy on dear Cachorro in our makeshift veterinary clinic outside of AN•Wasi. We are still awaiting the results, but Cachorro is his usual, happy self and doesn’t seem concerned.
Our vegetable garden awaits its next planting. Everything will flourish once the rains come.
The AN•Chakana ~ the Bridge between Reality Systems.
The AN•Chakana ~ this is where we can step out of the old duality-based Timeline and into a completely New Timeline aligned with the New Reality of AN.
Overhead view of the Tower of Light of AN ~ an Anchoring Point of the New Reality.