On the Fast Track at the Heart of AN!
Since our super sweet visitors left last Friday, we have been zooming along on the Fast Track, preparing for our Special Events in May. There are layers upon layers of things to do here. An almost impossible list of tasks, but Emanaku and I have leapt into action. There’s also the May Surf Report to write….
We have an amazing, strong group of people from eight countries coming to our events and we are very excited about what will unfold. We also have a few surprises planned.
The work on our vegetable garden is steadily progressing. With our circular raised beds, it is beginning to look more like an ancient observatory, rather than a garden. Our plumber Olger is coming next week to install tubes for the water system for it. We hope to have it finished before our events, but the planting will probably have to wait until afterwards.
Nima and Tawa, our Alpacas of AN, continue to bring great joy to the Heart of AN. Alpacas have such an amazing, other worldly energy which is totally aligned with the New Reality of AN. It feels very natural to have them here with us. (We are already thinking of getting some more!)
We are now nearing the end of the rainy season and the days are becoming sunny and warm. Everything is beautifully green. And our land is being lovingly prepared for the arrival of our Family of AN.
- The Alpacas of AN ~ Nima and Tawa ~ are super cute and always make us smile. We LOVE having them here.
- Our rather original, vegetable garden is progressing nicely.
- The flowers around our Buddha just keep growing and growing! Geraniums in Peru often grow to the size of trees.
- Last Sunday we went to the fascinating Inca site of Ankasmarca which is about an hour from the Heart of AN. Many of the buildings are in flowing circular shapes.
- It’s a great place to explore, as few people visit it.
- The energy is soft and sweet.
- Emanaku and Karl-Heinz at one of the Miradors in Ankasmarka.
- I love the triangular stone set into the left of this doorway.
- A doorway to one of the numerous circular buildings.
- While Emanáku, Karl-Heinz and Kornelia explored the ruins, I visited the small weaving coop at the site.
- Celia, who works at the coop, and I greatly enjoyed our time together. She speaks little Spanish so we communicated in a mixture of Spanish, Quechua, the language of the heart and much laughter.
- Celia and I tally up my precious purchases for the AN•Mercado. Each strip of masking tape on the notebook is from an individual item. They contain the name of the weaver and the price. This small shop, out in the middle of nowhere, has great treasures from local weavers.
- Afterwards we drove to the high pass called the Abra de Lares which always feels very Tibetan to me.
- The landscape becomes super mystical near the high mountain pass which is 4,400 meters or 14,435 feet.
- This powerful Apu watches over the landscape like a sacred pagoda.
- Karl-Heinz and Kornelia on their last night in the Sacred Valley. We greatly enjoyed our time with them.
- Kornelia and I on their final morning here, last Friday.
Percy learns how to sharpen our new German scythe while Pedro and Alexander watch intently.
And Pedro says that Alexander loves his new school!
- The mighty Scythe of AN in action!
- Pedro is becoming more comfortable and adept with the scythe every day. It’s the first time he has ever seen one, since they are not common in Peru.
- Work continues on our ever expanding vegetable garden, which is now starting to look like the ruins of an ancient observatory.
- We are seriously considering getting some more alpacas to create a herd with Nima and Tawa.
- Yesterday afternoon, there was a sudden downpour of rain!
- Rossmell, Roberto and Alexander quickly ran to the nearby woodpile to shelter from the storm.
RossmeRoberto and Justo’s son, Rossmell are super focused on creating our vegetable garden. Next week, our plumber Olger will come and install the hoses and tubes of the watering system.
It’s still uncertain when it will be finished, but it’s definitely looking interesting.
- The ultra adorable Nima and Tawa love the Tower of AN!