AN•TAWA CEREMONIES 2 • Day 7 – Anchoring at the Heart of AN
On our final day together, we visited the AN•Chakana and sat as Jewels in the Crown, then chanted the HU TAWA HU.
We spent the afternoon at the Tower of Light of AN, making a free flowing rain ceremony and then playing our Drums of AN. It was exquisite.
Our amazing week together had passed by way too quickly. Now standing in the middle of the Eleven Concentric Circles while playing our Drums of AN was deeply poignant. This would be the last time that our unique combination of Timeless True Ones would be here together in the physical.
We basked in the immense LOVE and savored every moment together. Next year, we will hold our final two AN•TAWA CEREMONIES. The Dates are: May 11- 18, 2023 and October 18 – 25, 2023. THE GAME IS TRULY OVER! ~ HERE WE ARE! ~
We met at the AN•Chakana in the morning of our final day together.
Photo by Noa.
The previous night, Benedikt had suddenly asked if he could try playing a Pututu. Surprisingly, he could play this difficult instrument on his very first try.
A new Pututu Player had emerged! Now we had three Pututu players for our last day together.
Photo by Noa
Our family of three brilliant Pututu Players!
Photo by Solara.
- Now we were ready to go onto the AN•Chakana!
- We quickly formed a procession and walked to the AN•Chakana.
Here we began getting into position at the Four Punkus (Doorways).
INTI PUNKU: The Doorway of the Sun.
INKA PUNKU: The Doorway of the Matrimonial Sun / Moon.
KILLA PUNKU: The Doorway of the Moon.
AN PUNKU: The Doorway of the Sun / Moon as One Being.
- We were all wearing our brightly colored llliclias.
- ~ HERE WE ARE! ~
- We went onto the center of the AN•Chakana in groups of four.
- Somehow, we all managed to fit onto the AN•Chakana. Whenever we do this, we form a concentrated One True Being and it feels amazingly natural.
- Next, we chanted HU TAWA HU.
- In the afternoon, we went to the Tower of AN.
- We entered ceremonially.
- This was our final time together wearing our Magenta Ponchos of AN in the physical HERE AND NOW.
- We had all been through deep transformation in only a week!
- The sweet Manzana was at the end of our procession.
- In the center of the Tower of AN was a wooden frog and statues of Pachamama and Pachatayta (Mother and Father Earth).
- One by one as ONE, we stepped deeper into the center through the eleven concentric circles while playing our Drums of AN.
- ~ HERE WE ARE! ~
- Our Rain Ceremony began! Each person chose their sacred task.
- This was to help end the drought in Peru and other Andean countries.
- Some played musical instruments while others danced as clouds.
- Photo by Tracey
- Some brilliantly embodied ILLAPA ~ The Inca God of Thunder / Lightning.
- It was quite a magnificent and dynamic ceremony!
- At the end of our Rain Ceremony, we all bent down and merged with Pachamama.
~ HERE WE ARE ~ The Family of AN!
Photo by Tracey
- Once again, we reactivated the Original True Planetary Matrix by merging the Timeless True Worlds into the Physical.
- We saw and held the Original True Planetary Matrix from a place of expanded vastness.
- And now, for our final time together on the physical, we once again stepped through the eleven concentric circles one at a time, while playing our Drums of AN.
- Whenever we do this, there’s always a strong sense of RETURNING HOME by BRINGING HOME HERE.
- The feeling of coming closer and closer together on the physical is indescribable.
Our Drums of AN were returned to their Home Position where they can recharge themselves with the New Reality of AN.
Photo by Sebastian.
- It felt deep and precious to be here together.
Photo by Tracey.
- Now it was time to make a visit to the Inner Control Panels of the Tower of AN.
We all sat in the Inner Control Panels of the Tower of Light of AN.
Photo by Sebastian
Photo by Tracey
Photo by Tracey
Photo by Tracey
Photo by Tracey
Photo by Tracey
The AN•TAWA Ceremonies Part Two were over. It was an amazing experience for all of us with such deep Love between all of us.
Now our challenge is to remain Timeless True Ones wherever we are.
Photo by Sebastian.