The focus of our fourth day was preparing for the ceremonies to come. First, a procession was formed to take our Sacred Staffs of AN to their appointed places around the Tower of Light of AN. Then we poured out the water from Laguna Qoricocha that we had filled during AN•TAWA – 3.
Next, our water bottles were filled with water from the Heart of AN to be used as offerings at our upcoming ceremonies at Qoricocha and Raqch’i. Then drops of water from many sacred places around the world were added to the water bottles. This was all done with lots of love.
After lunch, we danced the Starry Procession ~ the only 11:11 Sacred Dance performed at all the 11:11 Activations. This is when I finally joined the day’s activities, having been sick in the morning. I was very grateful to see that the day had gone well without my presence.
Now, it was time to introduce our Drums of AN to the Tower of AN! This is always one of my very favorite things to do. It’s deeply moving to take our positions in the outer circle and drum ourselves into the next circle, one by one ~ moving closer and closer to the center. It’s such a strong trigger to come together as the Family of AN while beating our Drums of AN in unison. It always feels so familiar ~ as if we have done this numerous times in other times, other places, other worlds. And HERE WE ARE, finally doing this on Planet Earth, in our physical bodies. I wouldn’t miss this for anything!
By the time we walked out of the circles ~ one by one as ONE ~ we knew that we were ready for tomorrow’s ceremony at the Sacred Lake of RA.
On our fourth day together, we prepared to take the Sacred Staffs of AN to place in their positions around the Tower of Light of AN.
Photo by Nogi.
A procession quickly formed.
Photo by Nogi.
Photo by Nogi.
The Sacred Staff of AN are carried to their appointed positions.
Photo by Nogi.
The Sacred Staff of the Sun.
Photo by Gabriela.
The Sacred Staff of the Moon.
Photo by Gabriela.
The Sacred Staff of the Inca Matrimonial. (The Sacred Union of the Sun and Moon)
Photo by Nogi.
The Sacred Staff of AN (The Sun and Moon as One Being).
Photo by Gabriela.
Next we poured out the water from Laguna Qoricocha from AN•TAWA – 3.
Photo by Argon.
As we departed our eleven sacred circles, we rang the bells on the AN Disc.
Photo by Gabriela.
Now it was time to fill our bottles with water from the Heart of AN.
Photo by Nogi.
This water would be offerings to Qoricocha and Raqch’i.
Photo by Nogi.
- We approached our water pozo one at a time to fill our bottles.
We sang to the water in Star Language before filling our bottles.
Photo by Nogi.
One by one as ONE.
Photo by Argon.
- Photo by Alexander C.
The water was happy to be so loved.
Photo by Nogi.
We plunged our hands into the water and threw the water over our heads.
Photo by Alexander C.
- Photo by Nogi.
The sacred water from the Heart of AN loves to serve as offerings at our ceremonies.
Photo by Nogi.
- Then, we walked backwards back to our house.
As a sign of respect, we always have to walk backwards after filling out water bottles for ceremonies.
Photo by Nogi.
The Waters of the World!
Photo by Nogi.
Drops of water from many sacred places throughout the world were now added to our water offerings.
Photo by Nogi.
Each drop was consciously put into the bottles at the same time by four people. TAWA.
Photo by Nogi.
This brought out our inner alchemists.
Photo by Argon.
The bottles of sacred water were now ready!
Photo by Nogi.
In the afternoon we returned to the Tower of AN.
Photo by Nogi.
Kalasara taught the 11:11 Sacred Dance, the Starry Procession.
Photo by Nogi.
- The dance is 22 minutes long and takes us into the Timeless True Worlds.
- The Alpacas of AN love this dance!
- This is the only 11:11 Sacred Dance that has been done at all the 11:11 Activations.
I finally rejoined everyone, after being sick.
Photo by Sebastian.
The Alpacas of AN came to visit me, then decided to return to the eleven circles.
Photo by Nogi.
It was now time to introduce our Drums of AN into the Tower of AN.
Photo by Nogi.
Photo by Benedikt.
Our magnificent Drums of AN!
Photo by Gabriela.
After dinner, we had a small birthday party for Jette!
Photo by Nogi.