We are in full action mode here almost all the time, except when we are temporarily flattened by the energies. We have an endless list of things to do and do as much as we can each day. In the midst of our activities this past week, we enjoyed visits with Marta of Spain, Chalo of Chile and Mattieu of France!
Utilizing the final week of Mercury Retrograde, we are in the midst of a massive reorganization here. Now that our new storage hut is ready with two new metal shelf units and a new door, we are ready to move in.
But first, we are turning our attention to our laundry room / deposito and the area under our stairs which are full of stuff that was dumped there when we first moved in. It’s a formidable task, sorting through all the tools and building supplies, while deciding what stays in the house and what goes into the new building. But even though it may take us another week to get everything into its proper position, there is already noticeable progress. And it will be fantastic to finally know where everything is.
At the same time, Emanaku has been upgrading the software for our ANvisible and 11:11 Photo Journeys websites. Next, we will update all the information on the ANvisible and then give it a fresh, new design. We are also in the midst of organizing this year’s exciting events at the Heart of AN and should have that information on the ANvisible website next week.
Plus, we’ve been dealing with leaks in our roof and the disappearance of one of our license plates which necessitated a special trip to Cuzco yesterday to order a new one. This turned out to be surprisingly easy and we should have our new license plates by the end of next week.
Our biggest news is that after living in the Sacred Valley for over five years with very unreliable internet connections, they are now installing fiber optic cables here. Within a week, we may FINALLY have an efficient internet connection which would be a HUGE BREAKTHROUGH !!!
Manzana has a very cute way of perching herself on our front steps.
Last week we really enjoyed our visit with Marta from Spain who is currently working in Lima. heart emoticon It’s quite amazing how just the right people find out about the Heart of AN and are called to come here.
Luna and I are ready for Marta’s reading with the Cards of AN which was so powerful that it took a few hours.
Emanaku has made friends with the post office lady in Calca and she texts him on the rare occasions when he receives mail, such as this package from his son Michael in Germany. What a great service!
Emanaku expertly makes a simple door for our new storage hut while Eloy’s shy cousin Avelardo watches with delight.
Here’s the new door to our storage hut! Next, we have to install the lock.
Each morning Manzana patiently waits outside our bedroom door for us and the cats to get up.
One of our current projects is to completely reorganize all our storage areas, including the one under the stairs in our house.
Here’s the “Before” photo of our laundry / storage room. We’ve been dumping things in here since we moved in.
Now it’s time to sort through all the tools, building and gardening supplies, paint cans and more so we can move some of the stuff into our new storage hut and reorganize everything else into greater efficiency.
It’s a MAJOR task, but will definitely be worth it!
We’re slowly making progress with our massive reorganization, but it may take another week or two to get it done. Here’s the area under the stairs which is already starting to look better.
With the addition of a large, new metal shelf, the state of the lavanderia is already improving. Tools, nails, screws, hooks, ropes, wires, clamps, tape, garden tools, paint brushes, electrical supplies, power cords, work gloves and other various materials are being sorted and put into labeled plastic bins.
On Sunday, we were visited by Chalo and Matteo who were in Peru to lead some mountain treks. Chalo was the overseer of the construction of our house and marveled at the many changes since his last visit. Here we are in front of AN•Wasi.
Matteo and Chalo were on their way to their New Life in Chile where they are going to open an amazing bakery in Concepcion.
During this rainy season, tiny flowers are emerging from cracks in the huge rock in front of AN•Wasi.
Here’s another tiny, delicate flower perched on the edge of the same rock. They are so sweet. Fairy flowers!
Yesterday, a leak developed above Emanaku’s office and Eloy fearlessly climbed onto the roof and replaced the cracked tiles.
Manzana and Cachorro are such good friends!