Sufing the Extremes at the Heart of AN
The past week was full of extremes here. I pulled a muscle in my back which caused some vertebrae in my neck to go out of position and was in extreme pain all week long. All I could do was concentrate on letting go and healing.
On Saturday, Emanaku went on a hike from Chinchero to the hidden Inka city of Huchuy Qosqo which took nine hours. After he returned at night, he could barely walk for a few days.
Yesterday was the first day that the pain in my neck lessened to the point where it didn’t make me cry. But instead of resting, we had to leap into action to prepare AN•Wasi and clean our house to get ready for two super nice visitors from Germany who arrived in the afternoon. I also worked on the design for the inner AN circle in the labyrinth.
Last night there was the most powerful storm we have ever experienced here. It began with thunder and lightning, progressed to large hail which damaged some of our flowers and stripped patches of paint off of walls both here and of our neighbors. New leaks developed in several locations throughout our house, including a waterfall in our bedroom that was coming in at the edges of the stovepipe of our wood stove.
Right at the height of the storm, when the rain was pouring down in sheets, while we were running through the house with armloads of towels and buckets, the electricity went out! But just when we got all our lanterns, that were left over from the 11:11 Gate Activation, lit, the electricity returned. It was a wild, wild night. Extreme for sure, but also extremely clearing.
Today, everything is washed clean and feels super fresh. But it will take us several weeks to repair all the damage.
German and crew arrived this morning to work on the labyrinth only to discover that the hole they had dug in the center yesterday had now transformed into a lake! This means that they are now working on the roof for the AN•Chakana.
We are canceling our April Readers of the Cards Master Class. This is a relief since we have so much to do here. The May ROC has a very strong group of participants from five countries, but there are still a few places available. These classes are extremely transforming on multiple levels and highly recommended.
Here you can participate in the May Readers of the Cards Class.
The next month will bring many changes and improvements to the Heart of AN. We are excited to see how they will unfold.
- A gorgeous gladiola unexpectedly appeared in the midst of the geraniums!
- Fortunately, Eloy put more silicone on the AN room windows a few days ago!
- The peaceful view of everyday life as seen from AN•Wasi’s balcony.
- Penny, Ludo and Emanaku at the beginning of their nine hour hike from Chinchero to the Inca site of Huchuy Qosqo.
- Walking up to the pass, they passed a powerful mountain that was criscrossed by numerous irrigation canals.
- At the highest pass, there were two stone cairns called apachitas. As in many of the high mountan passes of the world, travelers often add a stone offering to the apachitas each time they pass by.
- Finally, they arrive at the hidden Inca city of Huchuy Qosqo.
- Emanaku had a short rest there with two very adorable guardian dogs.
- Then it was time for the long, arduous, walk back down into the Sacred Valley. I really love this Inka wall. It has music in it. If you look at it carefully, you can hear it.
- Sunday was Emanaku’s sourdough bread making day! There is even a Buddha silently watching over the process.
- The sourdough loaves are ready and so delicious!
- The AN•Labyrinth is progressing well. Andres came yesterday and dug the circle in the inner labryinth. The timing may not have been so good since this was the day before the storm!
- Yesterday, we started designing the AN circle inside the labyrinth.
- I started creating the design for the inner labyrinth on the art studio floor.
- Here’s the design in progress ~ BL = Before the arrival of Luna!
- Every time that I would create some tile patterns, Luna would go lie on them and completely mess them up! I hope this means that she likes their energy!
- The newly dug hole in the center of the labyrinth became a lake overnight. I love how the reflection of the mountain in the water looks like a Moon and turns the inner circle into a mirror of AN. heart emoticon Anyway, because of the new AN lake, today German and Andres will work on the roof of the AN•Chakana, rather than the labyrinth.
- A few plants and flowers were damaged by last night’s violent hail.
- Here is the art studio after last night’s devastating storm. So many new leaks appeared everywhere!
- Last night’s hail and driving rain stripped away patches of paint in several areas. We also heard that there was much damage in the nearby villages.
- Our flowering red plants look good this morning, but some flowers have been hurt by the hail.
- Early this morning, in the enhanced freshness after the storm, a delicate, lenticular cloud appeared in the valley.