May’s Special Ceremonies of EL•AN•RA ~ Two ~ At the Sacred Lake of RA!
May 2nd felt like the perfect day to complete the first round of EL•AN•RA Ceremonies that we began on March 7. Back then, we were unable to reach the third Sacred Lake of Qoricocha ~ which was the lake which corresponds with RA ~ the third star in Orion’s Belt. Back in March, we tried to get there, but the road had been washed out by heavy rains.
This was a spontaneous, rather last minute decision, but it felt right and it was a perfect day. The road up the mountain was dry and in relatively good condition. Emanaku, Margareta, Sonya and I arrived at the lake which is at 4,000 meters at exactly 11:11 am ~ which was such an auspicious sign that was completely unexpected.
As we looked down at the lake from where we had parked the car, I immediately knew that our ceremony was supposed to be held in the place that had been the epicenter of the 4.0 earthquake here last November 11 ~ which was an 11•11•11 RESET day.
This earthquake occurred EXACTLY seven years after our magnificent 11•11•11 RESET Ceremony in Moray. Not only on the EXACT DAY, but at the EXACT TIME TO THE MINUTE of 6:11 am which is 11:11 UTC.
As we stood beside our car and gazed down at the lake, a huge white eagle flew over us, then flew along the lake until it disappeared into the clouds. It was an amazing welcome that filled us with awe! As we made our way down the steep slope to the lake, two large, black and white birds flew over the lake and landed at the exact location where I knew we were meant to hold our ceremony. Another strong confirmation!
This is when the surface of Qoricocha began to sparkle with myriad stars. The lake was so happy that we were there! There was the feeling that it had waited for us to arrive for a very long time. Even the ducks started playing in the water by having races!
Emanaku arrived at the ceremonial spot before us and called out that the ground was wet here and that we would have to find someplace else. But I knew that our ceremony was meant to be there and urged him to go just a bit further, where he found the perfect dry place for us to be.
Our ceremony was very sweet ~ pure and powerful. The love was strongly felt by all of us, including Qoricocha, Pachamama and the Mother of Lakes ~ Cochamama. It felt so real, so sacred, so still and so true.
When our ceremony concluded, we looked at the time ~ it was 1:11! Again, so absolutely perfect!
Afterwards was the long walk up the hill. Then we drove alongside the lake to the lodge on the far side and visited the people in charge of the lodge. They told us that there were two routes downward and that the other road was shorter and in better condition, so we decided to take the alternate route down.
This road turned out to be much, much longer and scarier. It was a one lane, 2 way, dirt road, with numerous hairpin turns that hugged the steep side of the mountain all the way down into the Sacred Valley far below. But the landscape was absolutely spectacular.
We returned to the Heart of AN in the early evening and then gave two Cards of AN readings to Margareta and Sonya who left the following morning after a life changing experience.
It was an amazing, totally blessed day. We are deeply happy to have completed our March Ceremonies and now look forward to the next round in June.
- On May 2, Emanaku, Margareta, Sonya and I drove up the long dirt road to Qoricocha ~ the lake of RA ~ to complete our unfinished March ceremony.
- We occasionally ran into traffic jams on this long, winding road up the side of the mountain.
- The further up we got, the more breathtaking became the vista.
- The exquisite Qoricocha ~ the sacred lake of RA. Such a beautiful, pristine lake! And the lake was so happy that we were finally here!
- At 11:11 exactly, we finally arrived at beautiful Laguna Qoricocha at 4,000 meters or over 13,000 feet. Our perfect timing was totally unplanned!
- As we stood above the lake and prepared to descend, a huge white eagle flew over us and the lake. It was such an auspicious welcome!
- We felt truly blessed as this huge, white eagle appeared out of nowhere and flew right over the place where we knew we were meant to make our ceremony.
It felt that we were meant to make our ceremony at the exact place that was the epicenter of the earthquake here on November 11, 2018.
This earthquake was at 6:11 am, which is 11:11 UTC and occurred exactly seven years after our 11•11•11 RESET Ceremony at Moray on the exact day, at the exact same time to the minute!
- The Maya Calendar information for May 2, 2019. “I am a galactic activation portal – enter me”.
- Sonya, Margareta and I flew down the long, steep slope to the lake as One Being.
- As we walked down to the lake, two large black and white birds appeared and flew over the lake, landing at the exact spot where I knew we were meant to do our ceremony. It was another wondrous confirmation.
There was something timeless and ceremonial about walking together this way.
Emanaku arrived at the epicenter area before us and told us that the ground was too wet to do our ceremony there. But I knew that it was meant to be there and told him to go a tiny bit further ~ and there he found the perfect place with dry ground!
- Since Qoricocha is the sacred lake of RA, Sonya, who was embodying RA, began the ceremony by asking in Star Language the lake’s permission to hold our ceremony here, and then poured out an offering to the lake of a bottle of sacred water from the Heart of AN.
- Next, Emanaku and I as AN stepped into the lake to ask permission in Star Language and give our offerings of love and sacred water from the Heart of AN.
- We gave Qoricocha ~ the Lake of Gold ~ our offerings of sacred water from the Heart of AN with our full hearts.
- Next, Margareta, as the representative of EL, gave her offering to Qoricocha. By now, Qoricocha was really sparkling!
- Qoricocha was very happy that we had come and began to reveal more and more sparkling stars upon its surface.
- We played our Drums of EL•AN•RA and sang to the lake in Star Language.
- Margareta played the Drum of EL with great happiness!
- Sonya with the Drum of RA, made by Alberto in March, was full of joy.
- Near the end of our ceremony, Sonya stepped into the lake and filled her empty bottles with RA water.
- Next, Emanaku and I ~ as the AN ~ walked into the lake. Here, we thanked Qoricocha and filled our empty bottles with RA water.
- It felt amazing to walk into the lake. And since this was the completion of our March Ceremonies, we both wore the same clothes that we had worn before.
- There were so many starry sparkles in the lake. It was absolutely beautiful and we all felt extremely blessed.
- With the final PA’A, our EL•AN•RA Ceremony was done!
Giving thanks to Qoricocha and Pachamama.
It was 1:11 in the afternoon when we finished our ceremony. And our perfect timing again happened totally spontaneously.
- After our ceremony, we drove along the side of Qoricocha where clouds were reflected in its surface.
- We stopped at the Qoricocha Lodge, a small hostal owned by the local community.
- The colorful and cute dining room of the Qoricocha Lodge.
- Around the lake, there were large herds of llamas and alpacas.
- We decided to take another route down after being told that it was not only shorter, but a better road.
- This alternate route turned out to be a lot longer and a much scarier road. But the landscape was very beautiful.
- We passed through a few villages on our long way down. (Notice the stone amaru serpent or dragon on the mountain ~ similar to those at Aramu Muru.)
- The landscape was beautiful, but driving on a very narrow, one lane – two way ~ dirt road with a sheer drop off, down the mountainside through numerous hairpin turns wasn’t much fun. Fortunately, we didn’t encounter any vehicles coming up, (even though there was a large tree in the middle of the road that we had to squeeze by.)
- The beginning of one of the many hairpin turns along the route. We were very relieved to reach the Sacred Valley after 1 1/2 hours of driving down this dangerous road.
- It felt so good to finally be back down in the Sacred Valley. We were all tired, but deeply happy!